Do any of you suffer from a reflux that doesn't seem to be acid? And if so, what helps?
Reflux: Do any of you suffer from a reflux that... - IBS Network

What sort of reflux are you suffering from?
I suffer from acid reflux everyday and I was taking Omeprazole for it which is the only one that seemed to work but made my other IBS symptoms worse so I had to come off it. I usually take Gaviscon everyday and I've cut out all spicy food. I find ginger tea helps and also making sure you sleep with your head and chest raised above your stomach. Hope any of that helps
I had terrible reflux until I stopped eating salad's (and other had to digest fibrous things). Do a food diary and note the things that give you reflux.
I was also given omeprazole for it, but that also made my other IBS symptoms worse.
If you have IBS I also recommend the FODMAP diet by the monash university australia
Good Luck
(who used to sleep sitting up to stop the acid reflux being too painful to sleep - now I hardly ever ever get it.)
Thank you - I'll give it a go - it's nice and natural!
Hi, I too am an acid reflux sufferer and I definitely have to take things for it, the best being Gastrocote from my local chemists, it's a white an acid that sits on the tongue and you suck it to release the acid out of your system, I am sure I have gord but have never been formally diagnosed! Good luck with it letme know if anything else works for you!