Can i.b.s symptoms alter so pain is down the right hand side and into the groin
Changing i.b.s symptoms: Can i.b.s symptoms... - IBS Network
Changing i.b.s symptoms
Hi, I was diagnosed with IBS D 25 years ago. Over the last 5 years or so the pain is mostly under the right rib, sometimes in my back and right shoulder, occasionally across my chest and my left side ! But under right rib is the worst and most frequent. I also discovered that being gluten and dairy free virtually removes the plain and symptoms. I can tolerate very small amounts of sourdough bread occasionally, but I overdid it a couple of weeks at and had 5 days of quite severe pain under my right rib. When this happens I go on a fruit and veg diet, occasional chicken and fish drinking only water, avoid coffee, soya. Diet is definitely linked to IBS , and the diet advice given by your GP is not always the best. Do research on FODMAPS and food intolerances - other posts on this site also point anecdotally to pain being relieved with diet. Works in my case, but I have also had tests at hospital just to rule out other diseases, scans and colonoscopies are worth having just to put your mind at rest, but if it is 'IBS' the GPs aren't usually very helpful! Good luck.
Hi, I've only just been diagnosed with IBS and I'm having a nightmare trying to figure out what's triggering it. I've found onions in any way, shape or form and pasta set it off. Is coffee a big no no? Any advice would be a big help xx
I have pain transfer down left side. Diet and exercise, don't give up