Triphala, peppermint, and other herbal remedies when used in conjunction with allopathic medicines can cure IBS.
Intestinal Motility Disorder is the underlying... - IBS Network
Intestinal Motility Disorder is the underlying cause of IBS.

There are multiple causes too.
Well drsachdeva you have found the holy grail ! . If what you maintain is true lets hear all the details ,case studies etc . I am surprised that if it is that easy why we have not heard about this cure before now .
A quick web search tells me that triphala is a mild laxative so perhaps it's of benefit for IBSC .but it's a long way from that to a cure . I am sure we are familiar with juggling laxatives to manage IBSC so what makes this one different ?
Well Huston a quick web search might tell you it as a laxative while an extensive web search will tell you "It is believed to promote gastrointestinal motility". It improves digestion and absorption of nutrients entails the contraction and relaxation of muscles located in the stomach and intestine. It also inhibits the growth of bacterial in small intestine due to its anti-bacterial properties.
I don't think people should put on this site that there is a cure for IBS giving all these people hope,when we all know there is no cure.We all just try to manage it.So please don't put that sort of claim on this site unless you have got so thin to back it up with.To everyone who is suffering with this debilitating problem best of luck x
If that has 'cured your ibs' then I'm guessing yours is very mild, if at all seeing as it cannot be cured, only managed. Things like this should not be put on this website. People come on here looking for support and relief that they are not on their own. For some of us, including me it is severe enough to affect our every day lives and need lots of medications. If doctors and scientists ect haven't found the cause or even a cure, I don't know how anyone else has or any internet search engine. It's not something to be taken lightly or joke about. Everyone with the condition would love a cure but for some of us, it's really difficult to manage.
Triphala, activia, ground flaxseed all set up urge to go but my cool has a kink so it's like pressure on a sealed container.
The key words in your response to my request for you to produce medical evidence to support your claim for this "cure"is "it is believed"........The usual let out phrase for a host of quackery out here on the net .if you were claiming a possible useful substance to help the management of IBSC ,then your post might be of interest .But claiming a cure ............?sorry what you have posted does not do it . Wish it did
To say NO CURE.. is just ill informed.
There a a couple of cases where IBS sufferers administered 1-5 FMT's and no longer have any issues.
First of all Pardon my english I'm not a native English speaker. Well guys I don't know how are you managing your symptoms but in india IBS is usually treated with ayurvedic and unani medicines. I've been through the same that you all are going through (diarrhea, constipation, bloating, abdominal pain, weakness, reflux) and I've had a long list of allopathic medicines that i took with a limited success but now its completely gone except minor bloating. Well I'm not aware of any double blind placebo controlled trials either that are being held or had been held to support my claim. This is from my own experience and what i learned from my ancestors.
I've heard of Triphala, is there any particular brand you recommend, I suffer IBS with bouts of diarrhea and bloating.
Organic india. It is GMP certified product and is available in US.