Much improved over the last month on a lowered fibre and Fodmap diet. Complacent and in hope I supped a couple of cans of lager on friday and have suffered badly for the last two nights. I hadn't drunk a drop since Xmas for fear of triggering a flare up so back on the wagon. Can any other sufferer cope with alcohol in any form?
Alcohol Setback: Much improved over the last... - IBS Network
Alcohol Setback

Wine is fine on the low FODMAP diet.
I can't tolerate beer/lager (or ciders of course) and have some problems with dry red and white wines, so avoid them altogether. Grapes and their derivatives are triggers outside of FODMAPs for me so that makes sense. Vodka, whiskey and gin treat me kindly enough though.
Glad you're getting some good results from FODMAPs, so many of us do.

Red and white wine are also difficult but for some strange reason for a while I could drink cider without any adverse affect. After the current flare up subsides I will try the hard stuff.
hi i have found that brandy is easy on the stomach and the day following my stomach is pain free and bm much better for that day. i would only take a drink every couple of months . brandy is made of grapes but works for me. beer and larger are made from grain so that might be why doesn't agree with you .hope you find something that you can enjoy
You don't have to drink any alcohol - many people get through life without it - especially as it triggers your symptoms.
I found that lactose and dairy cause my symptoms so I am on a strict dairy free diet - after 65 years of eating what I liked especially cheese.
Bite the bullet
NOPE not a drop. I can't even have an injection with an alcohol wipe. After 15 years sobriety I did not realize until low FODMAPS how sensitive I really was. Enjoy life!