Hi Is there a web site where I can download t... - IBS Network
Hi Is there a web site where I can download the fodmaps diet.

If you go to the website for Monash University where FODMAPs was developed and have a smartphone, you can download a brilliant app from there. It makes life much simpler when you're shopping and/or eating out.
Also, Patsy Catsos's 'IBS-Free At Last!' and Sue Shepherd and Peter Gibson's 'The Complete Low-FODMAP Diet: A Revolutionary Plan For Managing IBS And Other Digestive Disorders' are the best books. Sue Shepherd developed the diet at Monash so you can't really go wrong.
I did the diet well over a year ago using just the Monash app and Patsy's book (the Sue Shepherd one has only recently been published) as I found that all other information on the web was misleading, outdated and frequently wrong, so my best advice is to stick with the above.

I'm going to give this a go. I've just started taking amitriptyline and I'm really scared about putting on loads of weight I've read that this is a side effect of this drug.
I don't know about amitrip causing weight gain, but I do think the fewer drugs we take the better. It would only be a short-term fix after all as you wouldn't be able to stay on it forever.
I hope the diet works as well for you as it does for so many other people.

Hi Roz B. I see you on ere a lot. Have you had a message from Health Unlocked inviting you to take part in a new programme on Discovery Channel?
Hi dotty423,
Yes I have and I've replied as being willing to take part if chosen. What about you?

I'm thinking about it................. Probably.
Hi again,
Thought I'd let you know that I've just received an email from the TV company asking me to complete an application form. The message says that filling it out doesn't put me under any obligation to appear on their show, so if you agreed initially but changed your mind later on, it's okay to do that.

Oh thanks for that. I have said yes in the first instance. If I can help others (and myself) to overcome their medical problems it will be worthwhile.

I found this document really useful, mainly the 4 pages with the red/pink (bad) and green (good) lists of foods to eat:
I refer to it a lot, but would love to understand it better, especially when there are closely related foods that end up on opposite lists! I am awaiting dietician appointment...
Hi. The basics are given on the Monash University site - here is the link med.monash.edu/cecs/gastro/...
You will need to buy the book 'The Complete Low FODMAP Diet' by Sue Shepherd & Peter Gibson for the full details. It is a brilliant book.
You could try eliminating one food group at a time - I found that dairy caused my symptoms and I keep under control with a strict dairy free diet