How is it I can go 2/3 weeks eating and drinking everything with no problems and then get 'struck down' again and go through weeks of hell?
I read a lot where IBS sufferers say that diet... - IBS Network
I read a lot where IBS sufferers say that diet could be the answer to sorting out problems.

Yes I'm the same. Currently trying the Low FODMAP diet to see if diet is the cause.
Saw my doctor today and mentioned the FODMAP diet
She had not heard of it but said she would be very interested to learn about it!!! She has asked me to find out about it and then go back to see her to have a talk to me about it.
The best sources of information for FODMAPs are as follows:
a) the smartphone app available for download from Monash University - the diet was created there and the evaluation of different foods is ongoing.
b) Patsy Catsos's book 'IBS-Free At Last!' - best to buy the actual book rather than the download the Kindle version as it's easier to read charts etc.
c) Sue Shepherd and Peter Gibson's book 'The Complete Low-FODMAP Diet: A Revolutionary Plan For Managing IBS And Other Digestive Disorders'. Sue Shepherd developed the diet at Monash so you can't really go wrong.
I started the diet over 18 months ago using just the Monash app and Patsy's book (the Sue Shepherd one has only recently been published and the NHS hadn't got behind it at that time). I found that all other information on the web was misleading, outdated and, in some cases downright wrong, so I strongly advise you just to stick with the above.
When the NHS finally brought out its version of FODMAPs, I found that it wasn't either as strict or as good as Monash's so stuck with what they said along with Patsy's Catsos's book - and it worked.Thanks to this diet, I now know exactly what I can and can't eat, it's well worth giving it a go.
I was also the same and couldn't understand why so I tried the low FOdmap diet and was vet strict with it. Have been on it for over 6 months now and it has been amazing, no major flare ups now, occasional bloating if I eat something I shouldn't but no dashes to toilet - my life is transformed. I do find it quite tedious as reduces choice of food but benefits way outweigh the tedium. Do give it a try as I had been almost housebound at times with IBS - good luck.
The other thing I did was self- hypnosis which helped the anxiety associated with IBS

I suppose IBS wouldn't be the problem it is, if the cause was predictable. I am lulled into a false sense of security when I can eat most things with no problems at all. Then the pain floors me out of nowhere and I know I am in for a few weeks of hell. I get more anxious - because I try and understand why it's happening and imagine the worst! A vicious circle. Any recommendations for self hypno would be lovely?
I found that dairy was the cause of my symptoms.
Before I was diagnosed and had had all the tests I thought that dairy might be the cause but was advised not to change anything before diagnosis.
Within 2/3 weeks of a strict dairy free diet my symptoms are under control.
If though you do find out that dairy is the problem beware of taking any medication as a lot can contain lactose - even normal ibuprofen contains it - I use the liquid gel ibuprofen capsules

Hi cricket queen, what do you exclude when you say dairy free? I have lactose free milk, butter and eggs. Do you exclude those?
I exclude everything containing lactose and dairy. I have Alpro milk, Alpro yogurt and Pure Sunflower spread which I usefor cooking ie cakes, biscuits and mashed potatoes etc.
I can eat poached and scrambled eggs but cannot tolerate hard boiled. I didn't think eggs contained lactose or dairy.

Eggs contain neither if it helps. They do contain cholesterol but that is apparently not the problem it used to be.
My broad diet is much the same, alpro alternatives and vegetable oils and spreads. still get the odd flare but not as bad as before. I'm taking loperamide regularly Controls the symptoms but I'm no nearer a cause
Not sure diet alone is the "cure". There may well be stress related and physiological causes
Have you checked the ingredients in Loperamide to see if they contain lactose ? I was taking it myself before my diagnosis and food elimination but didn't check the ingredients then as I wasn't sure dairy was the answer to my symptoms.
There is no 'cure' as I understand it only that the sypmtoms can be controlled.

Never thought of that. I'll be quiet for the next couple of hours as I check all my meds. Capsules often contain animal gelatine
I think that animal gelatine would be OK as it's not a milk based product - I take Ibuprofen in liquid gel form

True. Didn't have to open that silly little info sheet. Sez lactose on the packet. I still don't know if that's my intolerance. Back to square 1.
Well you wom't know unless you stop taking loperamide and go strictly lactose and dairy free maybe for 2/3 weeks
Sorry - extra to my previous reply.
I found that I couldn't tolereate the lactose free products - these also still contain dairy

i had similar results,,but full fat dairy items are ok it is a 100 day program and I found it really helpful. From memory I think it cost around £69 a some of the best money I've ever spent together with Fodmaps app and Patsy Catsos book 'IBS Free at Last'
Good luck!
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I have found avoiding certain foods usually works for me, but I had to have quite a bit of trial and error before working out which foods. But I also get flare ups when I'm stressed / anxious, and I'm trying to use mindfulness etc to help.