Really worried as had bad pain in the middle of my back on right hand side for 3 days now, I thought it was a sprain but now think it might be caused by ibs as it ll seems to feel connected! Anyone have this, would really appreciate some advice thanks
Pain in my back: Really worried as had bad pain... - IBS Network
Pain in my back

hi yes i get back and hip paihs , and if you read some of the previous post you'll see that it is common.but i would get it checked out to be sure its nothing else
yes I get back pain, hips, the same regularly
I get it too - in fact it's often worse than the IBS. It came on for me at the same time as a bowel flare up. GP says it's back pain and was unconvinced it was connected to the IBS.
This is one of my main symptoms - noone has taken any notice of it and just say it's IBS!
Hi LucyKris,
I get this too, the pain is on my right side and hurts more when I breathe in deeply or twist. I have noticed this when I am c. The symptoms last for normally about a week and ease up a few days after the c clears.
Hi thanks for all your replies, much appreciated. Pain has eased quite a bit now althouygh is still lingering around ans sounds identical t o you rtm99, it hurts when I twist that is why thought it might be a muscle strain!
as for spag bol, I love it and do eat fairly regualryl, but it alsoways give me stomach ache for a few hours afterwards, how strange!
Hi Lucykris,
This sounds to me like ileocecal valve syndrome, a little know condition but extremely common in varying degrees - have a look below!
What is the Ileocecal Valve?
The Ileocecal Valve is located between the ileum (last portion of your small intestine) and the cecum (first portion of your large intestine). Its function is to allow digested food materials to pass from the small intestine into your large intestine. The ileocecal valve also blocks these waste materials from backing back up into your small intestine. It is intended to be a one-way valve, only opening up to allow processed foods to pass through.
Ileocecal Valve Syndrome
When the ileocecal valve is stuck open waste products can back up into the small intestine (much like a backed up kitchen sink drain) disturbing your digestion and also creating unhealthy toxins that are absorbed into the body. Also, if the ileocecal valve is stuck closed waste products are prevented or constricted from passing into the large intestine.
Unfortunately, this disorder is often overlooked by the medical profession. A dysfunctional ileocecal valve can result in a combination of symptoms.
Ileocecal Valve Syndrome Symptoms
Right shoulder pain
Right side pelvic pain
Low back pain
Pain surrounding heart
Flu symptoms
Syncope / Near syncope
Bad breath
Face pallor
Dark circles under eyes
Bowel disturbances (diarrhea / constipation)
Yep, I'm a member of the back and hip pain club. Always on the right side and IBS flare ups really make the hip pain especially worse.
I use self adhesive heat patches that you can stick onto the skin for up to 12 hours. Takes the edge of it.
This is treatable without medication if you learn the massage technique which helps. Constipation will make it much worse so keeping that under control will really help. I have had many clients who have been prescribed strong analgesia for this when n fact it can be controlled by yourself and a few minutes of your time morning and evening!
Hope this helps
I also get back pain and it gets much worse when I need to have the usual rush to the toilet. Then my colitis joins in, seems my digestive is playing up from A to B and tablets not helping
HI ...
Just saw your post as I was looking up my weird symptoms. They are identical to yours. Have you found out anything else? Do you still experience the back pain and twisting discomfort? I've been told my anxiety adds to this. I have had a lot of stress in my life recently. Any insight wuld be appreciated! Thanks!
What i have been doing lately and it has helped tremendously is castor oil packs look up in you tube i have had ileocecal valve problems forever it seems