I have been suffering my current flare up since Sunday I think I ate something which didn't agree, I woke up on Sun night with stomach pains and feeling incredibly sick from the burning acid this continued all night and up until yesterday lunchtime for the rest of the day I literally couldn't get out of bed my back and stomach had stabbing pains and I was so upset. I slept on and off last night and feel slightly better today have a banging headache though and very sore tummy, I haven't eaten anything since Sun. It's getting me so down as my last flare up was only 3 weeks ago and this is my second bout of illness from work in that time, I also work in a primary school so am never 100% sure whether it's a bug or my IBS, I also have 2 children who my mum and dad have had to look after as my husband works away so I feel very very guilty. I just feel so down and unwell, feel like I can't cope.
Stomach/back pain, no energy, burning acid ref... - IBS Network
Stomach/back pain, no energy, burning acid reflux and headaches, feeling very down any help or advice very welcome

Hi rach1626,
I sorry to hear about your latest flare up, it is very depressing when that happens, and nobody seem to understand, my family are brilliant, I to have had 2 periods of flare ups in a month which has resulted in myself having to take time off work,have you tried symprove?, it is a powerful probiotic, it is expensive but has worked wonders for me, I also cut out glutton, and most dairy product which seem to have helped.
Hope you feel better soon, and just wanted to let you know that your not alone.
Best wishes
Sorry to hear about your flair up. Is your doctor any help? He/she may be able to give you something that helps. It is not easy being a working mum at the bestof times. It might help you to keep a diary to see if things fall into a pattern and what triggers cause a flair up. Sometimes the help of a ditcian or nutritionist are helpful.
Hi TaichiDancer, I've seen my doctor today and he has prescibed spasmanol and zantac, i ve also recently had an endoscopy which showed some inflammation in the stomach but nothing too serious.
I'll look into seeing a dietician and will mention this to my gp, yes i will begin a diary Im pretty good with what I eat and avoiding triggers but im sure there's some i'm yet to identify!
Thanks for your message
Have you tried the FODMAPs diet? It works for a lot of people including me.

HI Pagan, I ve just started looking into this after reading other posts on here and I've just downloaded a book called "IBS Free at Last" which seems to have alot of information about the FODMAPs diet, I'll definately be giving it a try.
Well, you've found exactly the right book - it's been my bible for the last 7 months! You have to find your way around the American foods, but it's not that hard. Also, go to the website for Monash Uni in Oz where the diet was first developed, there's a book to purchase on the site plus an iPhone app which is great for quick reference.
The NHS dietitians in England are now mostly all trained up in the diet, although I don't find their info as good as that from Monash or in Patsy Catsos's book.
I find I have to make adjustments on the diet as I can't eat all the foods declared as 'safe', but they're pretty easy to spot once you've done the main elimination programme.
FODMAPs started to work for me in less than a week although it can take much longer for some people, so don't give up.
Wish you well,

Thanks so much for your info, I've been having a look on the Monash Uni website. I'm really struggling with a burning acid/sick feeling since my last flare up and have zero appetite since my recent flare up is this something you have heard of before?
Yes, I had a real problem with the same acid/burning sensation and my GP prescribed Omeprazole. I took this initially for a month until it cleared and take it for 3 or 4 days if it comes back. It does work. You can buy it OTC at Boots, it's their own brand and is called 'Acid Reflux'.
The nausea/appetite loss seems to be common to many IBS-ers and strikes for no apparent reason, if it doesn't go away after a couple of days, I take Omeprazole for that too.
Since starting FODMAPs 7 months ago now, these problems occur much less frequently and only when I've slid too far off the diet, so serves me right!
I don't know what FODMAP is but after reading your comments I am going to read up on it.
I seem to be ok mid morning but after lunch which is very small and gluten free as I am celiac,
pain builds up and gradually gets worse and I go to bed in agony and look about 7 months pregnant ( not I am 62 ). I then spend half the night awake in pain..... not slept for more than 4 hours is months. I am on peppermint capsules, spazmanol and pain killers.....even tried acupuncture, nothing is touching it.
I wish you well with the FODMAPs, it has to be worth a try. I'd stick with the Monash Uni site and the book mentioned above as there's a lot of misleading, outdated and just plain wrong info about the diet 'out there'.

thank you paganmoon will check that out...
Have kept a minutely detailed food diary since Jan 18th. Desperation drove me to do it but I have slowly identified and eliminated food that doesn't agree with me. Prior to that I had bad attacks which lasted for three days and happened every week. I was ill more than I was well. I didn't realise how hard it would be to weed out the culprits and every time I had an attack I thought I would never overcome my problem.Then I put even more detail in my food diary to get at the problem. I have stopped keeping it for the last three weeks, had no attacks and my strength has returned. I had forgotten what a normal day was like. This site has been such an encouragement and source of information. You are not alone. Try the things that have worked for others and you'll find the things that work for you.
Thank you kerrym212 I've just started on my wheat/gluten and dairy free diet but no appetite at the minute! im also really struggling with a burning acid/sick feeling following my flare up which is getting me down as i feel ill constantly hence the loss of appetite is this common?
Many thanks
Chamomile tea 3-4 cups a day
Hi just wondering if you ever found out what was wrong I have the exact same symptoms and it's driving me crazy they started 2 days ago and it's my first time experiencing them. I have had IBS the past 3 years . And acid reflux on seperate occasions but not this bad
I used to get 2-3 flare up a month id b laid out crying in pain when eventually i ended up on a&e. On seeing a gastro as my ct showed inflammation i had a colonoscopy and nothing but i was suggested to my gastro, try gluten and dairy free as that what usually inflammes people stomachs.
Three month later not one flare up!!! I have gone totally dairy amd gluten free even lowered sugar intake and hardly touch alcohol and it has changed eberything.
I have no pains, no headaches my periods are better i have lost two stone.... mayb give it a go xx good lucj
I wonder if you ever found the cause of your problem? I had similar symptoms which I took to be flare ups of IBS, my doc thought the same. Eventually I was sent for a scan and it turned out my gallbladder and bileducts were full of gallstones. I put up with it for years before I had enough and sort of demanded it was looked in to or the doc would have let me carry on till the damn thing burst.
If you're still suffering please ask them to look into it, gallstones can be really dangerous. Good luck!