has anyone tried intolerance test from york la... - IBS Network
has anyone tried intolerance test from york labs does this work

I looked into these so-called intolerance tests some time ago and discovered that it's actually scientifically impossible to do such tests in the way advocated. The 'results' they send out normally include all the usual suspects, e.g. wheat, onions, garlic, dairy, soya etc plus a few extras to make it look individually tailored.
My advice is, unless you want to spend a lot of money for no good reason, and then give yourself a hard time eliminating all the foods to which you're supposed to be 'intolerant', then this is the route to go down. You'll do much better following threads on this website for free.
Sorry if this sounds a bit harsh, but I hate snake-oil pedlars and rip-off merchants and do my best to stop people falling foul of them!

Pagan, why do you think they are scientifically impossible? I had heard that type of food intolerance test is too unreliable because of the way it is carried out, but to be based on bad science would be something else again. I'm curious anyway. Thanks, x
The gastrophysiologist who recently carried out my SIBO test (which took 2 hours to complete), spent a lot of that time explaining to me in great detail why these test centres, which say they require only a 'finger prick of blood' to test for food intolerances, cannot possibly achieve the results they claim. She told me, amongst many other things - but probably one of the most salient, that that amount of blood is nowhere near large enough to carry out any such test and that's just for starters.
I've always had severe doubts about these tests as, they do indeed, produce very similar results for all and my reservations were confirmed.
thank you Pagan
i welcome any advice and experiences suffering with everything i eat at the mo, trying FODMAPS
Hi Helen,
I've been doing FODMAPs for 7 months now and, although I've had to make some adjustments, i.e. some foods on the 'safe' list do me no good at all and vice versa, I've had remarkable success with this diet. I feel so 'normal' most of the time, I persuade myself I'm 'cured', then get carried away and eat something I know I shouldn't and have to pay for it afterwards! Keep going with it, I hope you do as well on it as I have.
Hi Pagan
i am finding everything upsets me presently particularly gluten but will persevere and hope things get better
Hi Helen,
Are you certain it's gluten you're having a problem with and not the fructans in the wheat? Why not try taking the rest of the fructans group out of your diet completely and then you'll know for certain.
I say this because if you're eating processed, gluten-free foods from the supermarket, it may not be the right thing to do as these contain all sorts of other horrible ingredients.
Hi Pagan
i dont buy gluten free stuff from the supermarket i tried the bread its like chewing polystyrene i would rather go without i try and cook fresh food i have tried to cut out fructans missing the garlic though
i also have a vit b12 deficiency and have been told
have a non celiac gluten intolerance
Hi, I paid to have the York test done. It said I was intolerant to gluten dairy and brazil nuts. After many months of eliminating these from my diet, there was no change in symptoms. I then reintroduced everything again and nothing changed.
I was also told by the gastroenterologist that the York test was scientifically impossible also as you must take more that a blood sample to test for foods. I then had a test done on the NHS to see if I was intolerant to gluten and it came back negative.
The doctor also said if this test actually worked they would have it on the NHS already.
Do not waste your money. It is clearly a scam which just gives false hope.
I've had a similar experience. Yorktest now offer a "taster" for £25 to establish whether you have any intolerances. I did this, and was then pursued quite aggressively to cough up a further £290 or so for the results. It turned out I was only intolerant to yeast, and the accompanying literature really gave no useful or even relevant information on the meaning of the test.
My feeling is that YT are selling a very expensive elimination diet. The allergen specific IgG4 blood test does not necessarily indicate intolerance. Exposure to the foods that are tested may be sufficient to trigger a positive response.
When I attempted to raise these issues with them I was treated in a very high-handed way.