As I write this I'm feeling so scared. Almost on the point of being out of control. My IBS-D has worsened significantly in the last 4 months, and very badly in the last month. I am suffering from anxiety and depression at the moment and for the first 3 months I just thought my guts were reacting to that. Grumbly and gripey with intermittent bouts of diarrhea and sometimes constipation. Nothing that I wasn't used to over the years. But in the last month I've had diarrhea nearly every day - having to go to the loo very urgently about 4 times over a period of about 2 hours first thing in the morning. I feel bloated, uncomfortable and sometimes in pain. Alongside this I feel really poorly. Just very unwell. My doctor has run a few preliminary blood and stool tests and has referred me to the hospital for a scan and colonoscopy. I'm waiting for an appointment but am going up the wall with worry and continued symptoms. I'm so scared that this could be cancer and that I should have seen my doctor sooner. I feel so rubbish I don't want to eat - my appetite is ok - but I just keep thinking I must be eating something to make me feel so bad - but I don't know what.
I am miserable and scared. Can anyone help?