HI, here goes. i was diagnosed with IBS 2 years ago. since then have been on several medications which seem to help for a while and then i get a flair up and they seem to stop working. Right now i have buscopan and i can take pepermint oil tablets as well although i don't like to take them together. My latest episode has gone on for over two weeks now with severe stomach pain at what point do people believe its time to revisit my GP and get it checked again.
I need advice with medication please. - IBS Network
I need advice with medication please.

I have IBS for many years now. Never really been on anything serious except colofax which is good. I think the answer here is really diet. It is very hard but I think it is the answer. I am fine as long as I do not eat Gluten, diary, wheat! Hmmm so I tend to be hungry a lot of the time. But is actually is the answer. Hope you get sorted!
I found Colofac Modified Release tablets were the best for controlling my IBS stomach pains as I had the same as you. I have adjusted my diet also. I would go bk to the Dr as you are suffering so much - maybe suggest Colofac Modified Release tablets as I found these worked much better than even Colofac without the Modified Release (the Modified Release releases the drugs slowly rather than in one shot)? Its not perfect but far better than it was before.
Have you been referred by your GP to visit the hospital to rule out inter-related inflammations of the gut like Chrons, celiacs and gastritis. Usually when Drs can't find a cause they attach the IBS label. Get a stool sample to the lab and have a colonoscopy performed to establish the root cause before you embark on treatments which at this stage will only mask and not cure the problem.
Those who get into a viscious cycle are prescribed anti-depressants to merely help calm the gut, not because one is depressed. Please discuss this with your GP.
Please get back to me on you progress.