Went out yesterday for the first time since early January to do S&F. It was so great to be doing it outside again and for just a few minutes the sun peeked out. I went to my usual place - a small park near me and it was only me, a mother and toddler in the the play area, and someone who looked as tho' they were doing week 1 of Couch to 5k. It brought back memories, this is where I started out doing Couch to 5k, of how hard that first week was. So it felt good that all around me were people exercising in some way.
I noticed the bench dips seemed a bit tougher due to lack of exercise I suppose. So thats made me more determined to keep at it. Also I cant do the advanced version yet so I've got that to aim for.
For those who are unsure about trying it outside, give it a go - it's good to move around in a way you cant at home and the pull-ups using railings are fun!