The photo is of Methusala. A Bristlecone pine...4,000 to 5,000 years old. Older than me then!
Good morning everyone... it is morning and it is me!
Where on earth have I been...? Well,. Another whirlwind of a week with Mr OF and a long, long, long day spent in various rooms at the hospital on Tuesday, meant yesterday's post was abandoned!
But... despite all... time moves on and here I am.
Slip off your trainers, find a comfy seat and a drink and sit a while.
One thing, the last few months has taught me, is that the exercise we do, to support our body, is never a waste of time.
I know that many of you will empathise with that thought. I have been here there and everywhere with Mr OF for his rounds of appointments and tests, week ends included. Lots of walking, snatching my choice of exercise, running, in, as and when, but always trying to maintain my routine exercises, especially my core strength.
Whatever your chosen sport, or exercise, core strength is essential. It literally is, the hub of all we do. There are a lot of posts on the subject right here... links and advice,and so many ways, in which to complete some core strength work. But, the bottom line? You just have to do it.
I am, because of circumstances right now, having to find innovative ways to fit things in,. Looking for any opportunity to build up my strength and stamina, both of which I need a lot of.
So..looking back on my log of posts and exercise, I came across a favourite, my old, think like a tree !
I wrote two posts on this... and currently, there are some elements of this type of e xercise that are suiting me perfectly.
If you did not read my other posts, you probably think I have lost the plot. I have not. Trees can teach us much. Look how long some of them have been around!
Here goes!
Using the idea of a tree to support our core exercises, is not as tricky as you may think. The impact on body and mind is great. Yes, mindful exercise.
Our core muscles are the trunk of the tree.
It supports us for movement, for sitting and standing, and everything in between.
Lifting .All forms of the gym or in everyday life! A strong core can help prevent injury.
This group of muscles, the centre of our body, are often forgotten and that is a mistake; exercise is need to keep them strong.
The simplest exercises of all. Used in so many Yoga classes and those of Tai' Chi. Not just the exercise of the tree pose...but actual core strength work.
But, we have to begin somewhere.. so... here is just one exercise that we , hopefully, may all, be able to do.
I am going to use the T'ai Chi exercise here.
Stand Like a Tree – Qigong (Chi Kung)
Standing like a tree. The name in Zhan Zhuang, means, standing like a tree.
*Stand with your feet shoulder-width, and parallel. Bend your knees just slightly allowing your weight to sink fully into your feet .
* Relax
* Gently roll the knees out a bit without moving the feet. This will tend to lift the arch. Slightly.
Don’t allow the feet to lose contact with the floor.
*Then float your hands and elbows up to the level of your heart – elbows lower than wrists, palms facing your torso, creating a circle with your arms, with four or five inches between the gently extended fingers of your right & left hands – just as though you were indeed hugging a tree.
*Sink the shoulders down.
*Then, imagine that you are hugging that tree, and as you hug the tree you’re also becoming a tree:
* Feel your roots descending, sap being drawn upward through the centre of your body arms and legs lengthening, your crown of your head softening to receive sunlight and the energy of the sky from above you.
* Use your breathing to expand body and exhalation to release unnecessary tension down into the ground using the bones as channels to the earth.
* Feel your limbs energising.
* Let your spine stretch gently , muscles relaxed.. and hold.
No problem! Practice makes perfect?
You maybe feel as if this is doing nothing at all for you... but it is, and when linked with other exercise... could be just what you are looking for.
I am going to put some links here... have a scroll around and see what you think.
Are you doing any core strength exercise... ? If not, how are you sustaining your exercise body? Are you like skysue16 , doing anything like T'ai Chi. I do know that many of you do use Yoga as a support , my good friend Bluebirdrunner is a devotee of her yoga and I know how much it has impacted her strength and well being. Our own CBDB too, rolls outouryoga mat here regularly !
Yoga with Adriene has a fair few, core strength exercises in her sessions.
Here is a past post too!
Just take a look, be open minded and enjoy!
I am and we are, all looking forward to see if anyone drops in today...
Oldfloss x
The proof of the pudding? I went for my first run in 6 days yesterday... struggle... nope! It was easy and relaxed. Core strength wins out again!