Just a walk... but so, so welcome... - Strength & Flex

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Just a walk... but so, so welcome...

Oldfloss profile image
26 Replies

Hi running people...

It's me here again...clocking in, after a day of rest yesterday with daughter and family for a birthday lunch for her. All lovingly prepared by her lovely husband and aided and abetted by small runner in training. ( despite a power just before lunch ... the food was excellent) !

Much fun, much love and much laughter... eating, and talking, trying out the new hammock... present from her husband... getting in and out was a work of art and expended quite a bit of energy. Small one loves it!

Mr OF and I did not walk yesterday, but today, we did.

My day, today, began with what have seemingly become my regular routines... A slow morning wake up of the body whilst still lying in bed. Mr OF is making tea... and carrying the tray up now!!!

Then... swing the legs out and do the knees, ankles calves and toe routine.

After cuppas have been drunk and the world sorted out... teeth cleaning and squats.

The number of gentle squats is increasing and today, I did pop in some ankle raises too.. courtesy of Wild Ginger Running.

Then... courtesy of our own amazing Yoga queen Bluebirdrunner ... I did a lovely ten minute balance breathing, with Yoga with Adriene.

It is a little gem! It may well become a favourite...

Having a plan that can be tweaked is very useful and does not constrict me at all.

Breakfast eaten... picnic packed... walking shoes in the boot... and off.

Derbyshire and all that it holds, was our goal today.

We knew the honeypots would be busy, but we planned to park at a quiet spot above Ilam... little did we know that the Dovedale Sheep Trials were being held just along the lane!

All beautifully organised and well away from our parking place... we heard the loud speakers and the whistles... but that was all.

Booted and sun hatted... it was beautifully warm and sunny, we headed just a little way back along the lane to the crossroads and over to the little church. Snuggled behind a copse of huge trees... the sunlight dappling through and a light breeze giving tantalising glimpses of the stone work... the small church nestled so comfortably there, hides many treasures.

The walk was gentle and slow paced... Mr OF taking his time and revelling in the surroundings. I walking a tad faster, but mindful of my pace too. We were glad of our sun hats... the lane reflecting the heat and little shade until we neared the church.

Inside, the cool interior is simple and unspoiled... a notice on the door asking so politely, that any walkers remove muddy boots before entering. Our boots were clean as a whistle and bone dry. We wandered quietly around, just us... admiring as we do every time we visit, the beautiful rood screen and the magnificent stained glass window, In a side chapel, there you find, the Bassett Tomb , the magnificence of which, an edifice in the most beautiful marble, is so unexpected.... the grandeur seemingly out of place in such a small church. Well worth a visit.

Time taken to read the most wonderful epitaph on the tomb... its occupant was truly a most well respected and well loved man.

Out of the silent, still, calm coolness and into the sunlight again. We wandered and marvelled at the views and the wonderful straggle of stones and then back along the lane for our picnic... Winners of the first heats were being announced as we made the walk down a grassy bank to the car.

Our picnic was devoured with an increased appetite... the walk was only a mile... but, the fresh air the adrenalin rush and the sheer joy of being out there, doing what for us felt so like, normal, served to make the meal all the sweeter.

The views across the valley, the sheep grazing peacefully and a huge bird of prey, entertaining us with his flights of fancy...bliss.

Mr OF was driving from this point on and we made a slow but circuitous route back home. I relaxed... and quietly did some gentle breathing work whilst gazing at the scenery.

He was fine and we made home in good time. He is very tired now, but each walk brings a little more strength. My legs are beginning to feel much stronger too and tomorrow's walk/talk with my new counsellor will stretch them further.

Exercise does not have to be tiring, strenuous or high impact, to work for you. I am happy that for me, and for Mr OF, currently what we are doing is working. As I feel stronger I shall maybe, up my game a tad more...but only when my body, which knows me so well, tells me that the time is right.

I plan on sleeping well and I know Mr OF will...but I feel that the thoughts of the day, may well echo around my head for a while...

Three weeks ago, Mr OF had his heart attack... today was more than a walk in the country...the beauty and the blessings of Nature worked their magic and we are so, so grateful.

Hoping everyone sleeps well or rests easy...

See you tomorrow,

Oldfloss x

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26 Replies
Vespina profile image

Beautiful post. So glad to hear so many good things and particularly the blessing of spending time together in a beautiful place. Looking forward to hearing more of your stories as you both spend more time together listening to one another, nature and what your bodies say is the right next step.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator in reply to Vespina

My body is very much in charge of me...and I am in charge of Mr OF :) x

We are doing this together and for me, it is a welcome interlude in my normal running exercise routine. Yesterday felt so relaxed and just, what we do... although much less , distance wise, it did not diminish the joy.

We shall get a short walk in this morning and I am looking forward to a longer walk this afternoon. Mr OF no doubt will have his afternoon rest. :) Thank you x

Folkylass profile image

Is it really three weeks since you guys had such a frightening time. Where has that time gone OF. I’m so pleased Mr OF is getting stronger and you are both getting back hopefully to some sort of normality. Take care both of you🥰🥰and many more beautiful happy fun days like today.👍🥰x

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator in reply to Folkylass

It has totally whizzed in some ways but for Mr OF he feels it was an age ago... we did well yesterday.

His slow progress walks are benefitting me. They are keeping me steady and there is no temptation at all to rush anything.

I am focusing very much too, on the supplementary exercise...really thinking about what each one benefits and the times and duration for each. My body is dictating the ones I do, and I am having the luxury of tweaking and adding.

Thank you so much x

Bluebirdrunner profile image

A hammock...what fun! Sounds like you all enjoyed your daughter's birthday lunch. 💖

A walk and a picnic in the Derbyshire Dales is good for the soul, avoiding hills and crowds at your own secret haunt, just perfect...

Yesterday we visited Fountain Abbey, it's owned by the National Trust, and is stunning. So much of the Abbey still standing. We had no idea it covered such a large area. We joined the guided tour, which was so interesting. The detailed and amusing account of what life was like for the monks and laybrothers really brought the place to life.

Today after Bodyfit with Amy and YWA, we drove to Grassington village. Parked and headed off for what was to be a 5 mile walk. Our old walk book let us down, the route described just wasn't right (or we took one style too many) and we ended up going up and up and onto a rather unused path that took us much further than anticipated.

Eventually we were back 'on book' and the walk back beside the River Wharf was very pretty. We ended up walking 6 and a quarter miles with some steep paths.

A coffee in the village, then dinner at a cozy pub put the day to right.

I think we will sleep well tonight too Floss.

Looking forward to reading about your walk and talk tomorrow. Enjoy it...

Three weeks on and MrOF is doing really well. That picnic and drive, just super!🚶‍♀️🚶‍♂️🌳🌲🌳xxx

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator in reply to Bluebirdrunner

Morning! It is a really super one.. almost like a cocoon and very strong... they have it strung between two of the trees...small one loves lying in it and just rocking gently.

WOW.. you have got the exercise in... and Fountains Abbey is beautiful, we did the tour too when we were last there! Your walk sounds beautiful too and extra steps will have benefitted, even if they made you a tad more tired:)

You did really well and 6 miles in the dales is a great six miles!!! A relaxed lovely end to your day too. I hope you did sleep well..!

Mr OF says his arms ached a tad after his little drive... he had not driven for over three weeks...but he is fine this morning and he slept very, very well!

I am about to do my balance breathing, thank you! It is a lovely gentle one to ease you into the day!

Have a lovely day and I shall write up my walk. xxx

Annieapple profile image

🍏Beautiful descriptive post! The progress you two have made together & individually deserved this peaceful & very meaningful celebratory day! I hope by now you are both sound asleep & that when you awake tomorrow you feel rested & energised.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator in reply to Annieapple

Awake and ready for anew, warmish day, by the sound of it , thank you.

We slept , although as I thought, I did stir for a short while, and lay, images of the walk in my head, the sound of the sheep trials on the hilltop and the warmth of the sunshine on our backs...

I have already done my early gentle morning wake up and it was very very relaxed indeed. Knees and ankles routine done too!

Looking forward to a walk this afternoon too , sun hat and sun blocker at the ready!

Have a lovely day and thank you!

Liz-is-trying profile image

Thank you for taking us on the walk with you both. I was there in the dappled shade and could hear the opening of the church door. It was lovely and calming. It sounded such a fun and memorable family birthday celebration day - all good for the soul.

Onwards and upwards! X

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator in reply to Liz-is-trying

On we go... fresh air and exercise... a winning combination! x

CBDB profile image
CBDBAdministratorGraduate Gold


Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator in reply to CBDB

A good walk , and the exercise are all paying off ! x

Wavy-chick28 profile image

lovely post glad things are slowly getting better sounded like a fantastic happy couple of days x

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator in reply to Wavy-chick28

Everything beginning to come together...there is so much benefit to be gained, from a combination of even gentle exercise and the wonderful healing properties of the great outdoors!

We are moving forward, as ever, together! Thank you for your support x

Wavy-chick28 profile image

you actually inspired me to get out for a run, it really does help I need to install a plan and stick with it too!

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator in reply to Wavy-chick28

Yeay.... go you. Do it.... make a plan but keep it flexible too, then you don't mither if it does not always work out !

I'll watch out for your post :)

JeremiahObadiah profile image

It sounds as if you are being a wonderful support and source of encouragement to Mr OF.

You are also being very wise and looking after yourself well at a time that could be otherwise only full of stress and worry.

Taking charge of the situation and working out a plan for your mutual benefit is such a positive way to approach this challenge.

Great wisdom and great life skill.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator in reply to JeremiahObadiah

Easy to say sometimes, harder to do...but I am learning even more about patience, and myself and the reality of the moment... instead of overthinking things.

We are fortunate that we have, over our 50 Years married + one, pre marriage, next week, together... always been best friends as well as married! We work well as a team and this is proving to be a very special episode !

It never ceases to amaze me though, the power of Nature... even on my walk yesterday, the sudden awareness as I moved of a steady pace and clean air, sounds and sights, and suddenly... the shoulders relax, the breathing is even and there you are, yourself... xxx

JeremiahObadiah profile image
JeremiahObadiah in reply to Oldfloss

Are you watching the Chris Packham Earth series? It’s quite intense/heavy weight geological history but also awesome. I’ve just got to the beginnings of human life on Earth. A lot to comprehend .

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator in reply to JeremiahObadiah

I have been!

Gthants profile image

I didn't know about the heart attack; hope recovery is progressing well!

Best wishes to you both.

Ilam is so beautiful!

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator in reply to Gthants

Busy and beautiful, but glorious and in winter , deserted!All going well, thanks.. fresh air..good sleep, exercise and Nature..x

Cassie_7 profile image

How wonderful Floss and it is great that you and hubby are going from strength to strength! A lovely birthday shared with your daughter too. I adore looking around churches and find them fascinating. Sad that the Reformation did so much damage to these wonderful buildings. Graveyards are special places too, as they usually have great biodiversity, with lots of different species of wildflowers and animals. as they are generally left undisturbed.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator in reply to Cassie_7

Totally agree...I am registered with the Forgotten Churches..there are so, so many..especially in Wales too.Yes..slow progress but steadily getting there x

Cassie_7 profile image
Cassie_7 in reply to Oldfloss

Well done! Whenever we visited Wales a few years ago I was surprised at how many chapels there were tucked away. I will have to look up Forgotten Churches x

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator in reply to Cassie_7

Some stunners! And some so small and beautiful too..

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