So after a few weeks of looking and trying, then taking other people advice I have found my new routine for the next 4 weeks. I'm sorry its long winded. I'm just hoping that you all will keep me right and going at it. I've completed week 1 this week. Few tweeks along the way as I find new ways of doing certain things. Walking and running I would like to build up to at leat 10/12k. Weights wise I was surprised at how much I felt comfortable lifting in certain parts and not so much in others.
One thing is for sure tho. I am sore lol
Week starting 20th May 19
chest & triceps-
Bench press 4sets 10 reps (45kg)
Tricep dips 5 sets 10 reps (body weight)
Incline dB press 3 sets 12 reps (15kg)
Incline dB flye 3 sets 12 reps (12.5kg)
Tricep extension 3 sets 10 reps (20kg plate)
back & biceps-
Pull ups 3 sets armrep (3)
Bent over row 5 sets 10 reps (30kg)
Lat pull down 3 sets 10 reps (30kg)
Standing biceps curl 3 sets 10 reps (10kg)
Seated incline curl 3 sets 10 reps (10kg)
Ran/walk 7. 4k (46mins)
legs and Abbs-
Squats 4 sets x 10 reps (60kg)
Lying leg curl 4 Sets x10 reps (32 kg)
Glute Bridge 3 sets 12 reps (30kg)
Incline dB press 3 sets 12 reps (15kg)
Incline dB flye 3 sets 12 reps (15 kg)
Walked 7k (68mins)
Back & shoulders-
Over head press 4 sets 10 reps (3x 20kg 1x25kg)
Rack pull up 4 sets 10 reps (1x40kg 3x 70kg)
Seated dB press 3 sets 10 reps (15KG) LT 2 HRD
Lat raise 3 sets 12 reps (5kg)
Reverse fly 3 sets x12 (2x 5kg 1x7.5kg)