April challenge days 3 & 4: Yesterday was... - Strength & Flex

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April challenge days 3 & 4

UnfitNoMore profile image
32 Replies

Yesterday was easy... 5 mile run was supposed to be at 12 minute miles and job done, but I didn't start slow enough and got into a groove, so finished the run in 55:32. Only one thing for it... back on the 5 minute plank finisher when I got home... and it did finish me 😂

Today I got up and did my dumbbell arms and shoulder routine, 20 minutes and then managed 5k brisk walk in 50 minutes. Job done.

Short run and then flexibility yoga tomorrow.

Hope you're all having a great & active day

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UnfitNoMore profile image
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32 Replies
Oldfloss profile image

Go you! Sticking to it... !

UnfitNoMore profile image
UnfitNoMore in reply to Oldfloss

Almost stuck to the bed this morning 😂 but Little Miss needed breakfast or something!

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator in reply to UnfitNoMore

I don;t know.. these youngsters,, wanting to eat!

UnfitNoMore profile image
UnfitNoMore in reply to Oldfloss

It’s terrible... she hadn’t even been for a run so I don’t think it was necessary eating.

By the way, belated happy birthday, I’ve just seen yesterday’s post. Hope you had a good one.

Maddee_6333 profile image

Personally, I’m having an ‘I feel like shit, Will this headache never end?’ Sort of day

But I’m still planning on doing a few standing up core exercises later if my head lets me.

in reply to Maddee_6333

Take care maddee

UnfitNoMore profile image
UnfitNoMore in reply to Maddee_6333

That sucks... hope it goes soon. Anything you can do today is a bonus.

Johnnylewis profile image

Your a machine. Hows the ntc working for you. Are you feeling any different

UnfitNoMore profile image
UnfitNoMore in reply to Johnnylewis

I’m certainly trimming down around the belly, and feeling stronger... I’m no bigger in the arms than I was, but there’s some definition starting to show.. pretty happy so far. In September I may start an NTC plan as the NRC one will be done and you can’t do both at once, I’ll most probably follow a written HM plan around that.

Johnnylewis profile image
Johnnylewis in reply to UnfitNoMore

That's what I need to do is to trim around this belly. Are you on a special diet

UnfitNoMore profile image
UnfitNoMore in reply to Johnnylewis

If anything I’m eating more than I was a year ago. Nothing deliberate, but I may have to buy some chickens as my egg intake has risen, they’re my go to protein as a vegetarian. My thinking is if I could take my belly bulk and just put it on my arms and shoulders I’d be happy... so far so good!

Johnnylewis profile image
Johnnylewis in reply to UnfitNoMore

Nice one. Had a look at the ntc, don't know where to begin. I need a plan. I like following a plan. Didn't like the running one for a few reasons mainly cause I didn't want to take phone with me running. Never done yoga. I have my running and cycling sorted, pushups will be finished soon. Wednesday challenge is just to change things up

UnfitNoMore profile image
UnfitNoMore in reply to Johnnylewis

Yeah, I’m now torn between a Garmin (my first choice) as it will sync with NRC or an Apple Watch as it will allow me to go guided and not have my phone with me. Garmin May win as I’m thinking if I do ever fall and hurt myself, I’ll be wanting my phone with me.

If you google “Nike Training Club review” one of the top hits is a woman who did amazing things to her belly in 7 weeks... if it doesn’t come up for you, let me know and I’ll mail you her before and after. The really interesting bit to me is she only lost 4lbs... so it’s all about replacing fat with muscle.

Johnnylewis profile image

Did she do the lean one in 8 weeks?

UnfitNoMore profile image
UnfitNoMore in reply to Johnnylewis

She did the get started one for 4 weeks (no running) and then I’m guessing she did lean fit for the other 3 weeks, but I’m not certain on that, she isn’t explicit.

Johnnylewis profile image

Can your Garmon watch connect to the Nike running?

UnfitNoMore profile image
UnfitNoMore in reply to Johnnylewis

Not directly... but the partners bit of NRC settings allows you to pair the Garmin and Nike+ accounts, so a run on Garmin will appear on the NRC app almost as soon as you’ve finished the run.

Johnnylewis profile image
Johnnylewis in reply to UnfitNoMore

Hmmmm. I'll have to look at it. I'm. Assuming you still have to take your phone with ya

UnfitNoMore profile image
UnfitNoMore in reply to Johnnylewis

Nope... watch can sync later

Johnnylewis profile image
Johnnylewis in reply to UnfitNoMore

Now that would be a game changer. I'll have to try it out next week

UnfitNoMore profile image
UnfitNoMore in reply to Johnnylewis

As it syncs on an account level it’s not dependant on any of your kit being present. I think it’s one way traffic though... Nike don’t share data!

Johnnylewis profile image
Johnnylewis in reply to UnfitNoMore

I didn't take phone to footie. Came back and and it sync with both. Will try a run next week. Can't work how I can tell it that it's my run for that day tho

UnfitNoMore profile image
UnfitNoMore in reply to Johnnylewis

In history, open a run up and tap edit... should have an option for plan then, so you can assign it to a run.

Johnnylewis profile image

Some reason it wouldn't let me. I've tweeted them. They are actually fast in replying only I fell asleep last night. It's not really a bug deal as I can work away at my running and. Cycling . I've started the beginners plan in ntc with it starting on monday. 4 weeks 3 times a week. Should be able to fit that in with running and cycling. This should be interesting. Some of the excercises and stretches I've never done.

UnfitNoMore profile image
UnfitNoMore in reply to Johnnylewis

Do you have a running plan active? It shouldn’t let you start an NTC plan if you have.

Johnnylewis profile image
Johnnylewis in reply to UnfitNoMore

No I cancelled the running one and then started Ntc

UnfitNoMore profile image
UnfitNoMore in reply to Johnnylewis

Strangely NTC doesn’t give the option, it sees the run, and picks up one if you start on NTC and run with NRC. Personally I’d tell the NTC plan not to include running and it’ll give you some more workouts instead 😂

Realfoodieclub profile image

I had a look at the NTC app last night, I’m getting organised for after my HM on 19th May, I like the look, is it all free? I think I might start some of the running mobility ones before as I have a physio appointment for a tight hamstring on Monday and I want to show them to him. I think I might be doing more in the future 😀

UnfitNoMore profile image
UnfitNoMore in reply to Realfoodieclub

Yeah... both apps are 100% free, and you can get Lifesum premium free for a year too

UnfitNoMore profile image
UnfitNoMore in reply to Realfoodieclub

So... Lifesum is tested... it’s highlighted that I don’t eat enough for breakfast, so I went and bought granola... if you see the devil in a big thick coat and gloves, that’ll be my fault. So far today I’ve done a 1.25 mile tempo run and some walking... Lifesum says that I’ve earned 4 glasses of wine with my calorie burn... me and this app are going to get along just fine 😂😂

Realfoodieclub profile image
Realfoodieclub in reply to UnfitNoMore

Sounds good, I must admit I use weight watchers myself as it helps to keep me from eating too little of the good stuff and eating too much of the other stuff, it costs me £10. A months for online only, but it seems to work for me, i tried calorie counting and I just ended up not eating enough for my training. While I am getting ready for my HM/swim with long training sessions I transition on to maintence then from June to November I do weight loss, I have done that for two years now and slowly lost 20lb.

UnfitNoMore profile image
UnfitNoMore in reply to Realfoodieclub

Yeah... that’s what this app is doing, it’s telling me all about my carbs being a little high and fat a little low etc. I’m quite chuffed with myself that I’m not way out... but I do tend to eat little in the morning and then graze a little before lunch. Eating for the training is required of course and if you eat it post run most of the trackers will give a good estimate. You’ve done well to lose 20lbs and keep it off... that second bit is the trickiest and the key is to lose it slowly.

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