I’m having a full knee replacement next week and it’s my 70th birthday 25 days later. Will I be able to go to a restaurant 25 days after my operation or should I cancel my party?
Apart from my knee I am quite fit.
I’m having a full knee replacement next week and it’s my 70th birthday 25 days later. Will I be able to go to a restaurant 25 days after my operation or should I cancel my party?
Apart from my knee I am quite fit.
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Dear Birdbox, If you can go to the restaurant using a cane (or maybe a walker) then you are fine. You will only be a bit over 3 weeks from surgery so you will probably still need some type of gait aide. but you should be able to do to the party! Of course you should ask your surgeon....but that is what I think (and I am a surgeon who does knee replacement surgery). Best to you with your surgery!
Im a retired home health nurse, most of my knee replacement patients said the first two weeks were the hardest. You should be up to a restaurant by 25 days, but no guarantee. Everyone recovers differently, some have more pain, swelling than others. I found that the older patients seemed to get along better and recovered faster than the young 40-60 yr olds, not sure why. A few patients even said the pain was less after surgery. Good luck and have a most happy birthday!
Dear Birdbox, what a thought - to cancel your party! You will be up and about faster than you imagined. You may be able to dance only next year, but for the rest, don't worry. Best wishes for successful surgery. And keep posting here, I'd like to know how it felt after the surgery and after. You see, I too need to go in for knee replacement in a couple of years.
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