G.P suggesting to repalce existing dose of Adalat 30mg with Nifedipine to use for my high blood pressure and the Raynauds . I have researched Nifedipine and is described as Adalat.. So I am rather confused. I do read blogs etc on this site so maybe someone could shine some light on my confusion. I really do need some help to manage my Raynauds..
I have had Raynauds for 20 years and ... - Scleroderma & Ray...
I have had Raynauds for 20 years and never taken medication (my choice) Raynauds really affecting me now.

Hi, I just grabbed my box - Adalat and under the white writing on red, it says modified release tablets - Nifedipine? So yep I can definitely see why you are confused? I am too?
Nifedipene is the 'general' or cheaper drug. Adalat is the branded drug. They both do the same job pretty much.
Basically, your doctor is trying to con you into a cheaper alternative. When I asked my pharmacist (who had ran out of Nifi) whether he could just prescribe a lower dosage of the upgraded version he said, "We don't have any Adalat either I'm afraid." So that's pretty much all I need to know about which one is better.
Ask a pharmacist as to the differences between Adalat and Nifedipene and I'm sure they'll tell you the same thing.
Adalat is just a trademark...and nipedine is the tablet so I can also see why you are confused.
Adalat and Nefedipine are the same. It sound to me that you GP wants you to remain on Adalat (Nefedipine) but increase the dose to cover your high blood pressure as well.
This drug is normally prescribed for high blood pressure but is also beneficial to Raynaud's sufferers. Ask your doctor to explain things a bit more about the plan of care he/she has in mind for yourself.
Good luck!
I was prescribed Adalat for high blood pressure - it was chosen by my doctor as it also helps my Reynauds. Adalat is the same as Nefedipine - it is just the slow release version.
Thank you to all that answered my question. Do you think changing the dose of Adalat (higher) would help manage Raynauds. I am on 30mg of Adalat daily at the moment.
I find CIRCULEASE a product manufactured by HealthSpan helps a lot with my Raynaud's