Well Last night My pitty Party was on! And no one was invited! I think it all got to Me last night and the pain in my hands and Knees got the best of Me. I broke down in front of my husband and he was speechless. Anyone have those kinds of days!!
Had a Bad Night!: Well Last night My... - Scleroderma & Ray...
Had a Bad Night!

YES, and lately frequently! I'm on hospice ad have been dealing with this journey for 14 years all by myself. Pity parties are healthy, crying relieves the pressure building up inside yourself. Better to cry than to scream at the wrong person. Draw a warm bath with bubbles, put on some music and cry! It will do you worlds of good. And don't be ashamed!
Oh yes many times! We cant really help it, we have a lot to deal with and so much you try to be strong and just get on with it. But all it takes is one little thing on top of all the little things and you just want chuck it all in. So you can do nothing but cry for a bit and then you feel a bit better and can go back to making do. *0) And my husband just holds me and says everything will be fine and I think yeah right, what do you know! but it helps and I know he is doing his best. Sending you a virtual hug and hope things get back to tolerable and better for awhile.
Thanks guys! Its hard to explain to my husband what is going on with my body. Being 32 and having scleroderma, he thinks I should be in my prime! Very much the opposite! Thanks so much for the tips! and The hugs!
He will want to know how he can help. Tell him. You had held it back too long so it came out wrong and it frightened both of you. Keep calm, love him and tell him what he can do for you.
Good luck.
HIya i suffer from anxiety as well, and have had an ingrown toenail removed five times, so there has been times where i've wanted scream, or go why? Not healthy but i find that chocolate helps, or a healthier option a good book or a girlie nite witn a good dvd. take care.