Hi all - I have Raynaud's and recently started having hot hands at night. The heat is so intense it keeps me up. I run cold water on them and that seems to help a little, but the relief does not last. Is this related to Raynaud's? Any suggestions?
Hot hands at night: Hi all - I have... - Scleroderma & Ray...
Hot hands at night

Curious...I have never experienced that and I have had it for year's. Is your doctor able to give you any info about it???
Hi Wendy, we have had a few people on here who have had similar. There is a condition called Erythromelalgia that is typified by burning hands and feet. I am including the link to the NHS website so you can have a look and see if it fits with your symptoms. I would have a chat to your GP to get it investigated.
All my best
Lucy x
Thank you for the information. I will be seeing my GP in the coming weeks. I am hoping it isn't anything serious.
Yes. I’ve had Raynauds for about 15 yrs. For the last year it’s been hot hands and feet at bed. Also my fingers are throbbing.
I simply ignore it. The doctors are totally useless. They do t know or understand those disease. Unless you don’t mind a variety of drugs being suggested and you want to take them.
I wouldn’t worry or think about it.
That’s just me tho.