hiya, i went doctors last wednesday and found out i have got a viral infection and my glands are up and they said it would go in a few days if i take paracetamol but ive still got it ive also got a cold and a cough, i was just wondering if anyone knows what i can take for my bad cough as i have raynauds and theres certain ones i can,t have with having raynauds, and this cough is making my throat worse thanks.
bad cough: hiya, i went doctors last... - Scleroderma & Ray...
bad cough
Honey, Lemon and a hot toddy, if you are old enough (hehe) - I would ask yr pharmacists as they are the most qualified in medicines..
It is times like this that really get me down but I usually take Lemsip - I now its not ideal but it really does help xx
ohright ok then thanks yeah im old enough im 21 (haha) yeah i went to the pharmacist today and they gave me some medication but if it doesnt go in a few days ive gotta go back to the doctors.
yeah same here its horrible when u don.t know what u can take for it nope that is,nt ideal really as i got told that people with raynauds can,t take lemsip xx
Is it a dry cough? I have had the same as you for three weeks. Cough Awful.
Sit up as high as you can at night and take Boots medicine for dry cough. There is very little stuff in it.
Dear Lisa_Lovatt,
Do you have scleroderma? Do you have reflux? That gives an awful dry cough that can be controlled by medication.
This may sound really weird - but I can vouch for how good it is! Put Vick's Vapour Rub on the soles of your feet, cover with socks and hey presto your cough settles down - it works especially well at night. It's worth a try - amazingly it worked for me! x