can anyone suggest something to help ... - Scleroderma & Ray...
can anyone suggest something to help with dry mouth, I have Sjogren's but lately it is terrible.

Yes I have been advised to chew .....chewing gum.... and it works for me.
Ask the chemist for artificial saliva.
Hi Uknlv
Biotine is quite good and something new that the Eastman Dental Hosp told me to use is Xerostom spray - I have tried to get it on prescription, given to me by Eastman, but my GP wont prescribe it - so will have to buy it direct. You can look it up on Internet. The manufacturer is CURAPROX UK
Tel: 01480 862084. I have yet to try it as have not found anything which is really any good. I have also been told to chew sugarless chewing gum but I don't like chewing gum it makes me feel ill.
Good luck x
Forgot to say you can get it on a private prescription !!!
A voice coach recommended Thayers dry mouth lozenges to me, a lot of singers and other performers use them apparently and they are also recommended for Sjogrens etc. I've not yet tried them myself, in fact hadn't searched the net for them until just!! On Amazon UK they're £8.99 for 100 (post free - have just ordered some): they are Sugar-Free, Sodium-Free, Gluten-Free, Fat-Free, Lactose-Free, All-Vegetable, Preservative-Free, Fluoride-Free. They also do a dry mouth spray at £10. I will let you know how I go on with them. I already have the artifcial saliva on prescription but it's not convenient to use it all the time and I'd rather limit the number of chemicals I ingest if I can :).
I also use a product my dentist gave me called: GC Dry Mouth Gel.. I put it on my finger, then rub it along the roof of my mouth, or along my gums.. It comes in fruity flavours but I like mint and fruit salad the best.. my dentist just gives me a couple of tubes each time I see her, and no charge.
The GC is the manufacturers brand name. This link will help more:
Thanks everyone, I have had the artificial saliva spray but it turned my stomach every time I sprayed it. But I will try these ones you have suggested as the flavoured stuff might agree with me better. The spray I have reminds me of snot, I know yeck but that is what it tastes like to me lol My mouth gets so dry that at night my tongue gets stuck to the roof of my mouth, and then it hurts for hours afterwards. So thanks again for the suggestions, I will ask my Gp and I have dentist appt coming up soon so will ask him as well!
Hello, I know that you are not far away from me as we both go to Chapel Allerton Hosp. I also go the Leeds Dental Inst where they seem to understand Sjorgens. I take Pilocarpine tabs which stimulate saliva production and also have Nystatin to treat thrush infections which can make the mouth quite sore. I was told to keep well hydrated, so I always drink lots of water when I am at home. I use the Biotene mouthwash, can be got on prescription, but I buy it myself, it is very soothing. I have As Sailva Orthana oral spray and Bioextra moisturing gel, all prescribed by the Leeds Dental Inst. everything seems to help just a little.
Hello, just to say I had a lot of trouble getting something that helped. I do not get along with sprays they do not work for me. I use Xerostom Saliva replacement gel, Toothpaste and Mouthwash. I find the Gel good at night as it coats your mouth and it does not dry out so quickly. I used to wake frequently for drinks of water. I buy the toothpaste and Mothwash online from Amazon but the saliva replacement gel is available on prescription. Ordinary toothpaste makes dry mouth worse also the central heating which we use at this time of year.(some suffers use a dehimidifier) You can get the Toothpaste and mouthwash on private prescription however the goods cost £9 and the carrier charged £22. There are other brands of gel ext all are good but I stick to one brand of products. Some medication can also make you mouth more dry.
I hope you get some relief soon.
dont use mouth wash with acocol in it .Use Boitine .
Ring british Sjogrens snydrome associaton 0121 455 6532
Thanks again everyone, I got an appt with my GP on Monday to see about getting some of the Gels as I am the worst at night and wake up several times an hour having to take a drink of water.