This isn't related to Raynaud's but I was wondering if anyone has been diagnosed with this condition (Aquagenic Pruritis) and if so how were you helped. Is there anything that I can do to stop the itching etc?
Aquagenic Pruritus - Itching after sh... - Scleroderma & Ray...
Aquagenic Pruritus - Itching after showering
I do not have this condition that I know of but I do have another skin condition and I don't use regular soap in the shower due to this. I was given a prescrition for Dermol 500 lotion and this has helped me a lot. I was originally told to use Aqueaous Cream, but it seemed to make me worse. My new Dermatologist said that it can irrate some skin conditions, so that is why he gave me the Dermol and it works great. Hope this helps.
I don't have Aquagenic Pruritis (to my knowledge) but do have a form of Pruritis. Mine occures mainly at night before going to sleep and several times during the day. My doctor prescribed 180mg of fexofenadine which seems to work well. I've been on this for a few years and when this stops working (as apparently my body gets used to it) we try another antihistimine for a while but the fexofendaine works the best. I don't have any tips with regards to stopping the itching as I stuggle to stop myself, however I find if I can resist the immense itching for as long as I can when I do itch I don't make my skin as sore as when I itch continously.
I don't have Aquagenic Pruritis (to my knowledge) but do have another skin condition. You must not use soap of any kind in the area but like UKNLV I was precribed to wash in Doublebase which is a very good Emollient lotion that you get on prescription. You can also use these emollient creams during the day - I also used Aqueaous Cream but this irritated the condition more.