I have Limited Scleroderma with signs of REST (not the C). The palms of my hands have the appearance of a gala apple...sort of red and white with red dots. Something new has shown up and I have not read about it anywhere, so wondered if y'all had any ideas. On each finger, where there is a joint, the lines are bright red. The red lines are on the palm side and on the top of my hand when I make a fist. I'll ask the doc at my next appt, but thought I'd ask y'all in the mean time. Blessings
Knuckle "lines" are bright red - Scleroderma & Ray...
Knuckle "lines" are bright red

I have CREST (although not much of the S!) I also have primary biliary cirrhosis, another autoimmune condition which is linked with CREST. One of the signs for this is mottled palms, so it might be worth checking whether your autoimmune blood tests have a positive to anti mitochondrial antibody also.
inkedup, thanks for the input. I'll ask at my next appt.
inkedup, I just googled primary biliary cirrhosis and don't see mottled palms as a symptom. Can you tell me where I can find that online?
inkedup...never mind...I found it. thx again
inkedup, thanks for the input. I called my doc and they said to come in right away and bring pics on my cell, just incase the "look" is gone.
My Knuckles permanently look as though I've punched brick walls , with thick circles of reddened skin. It's just another of the many symptoms of the scleroderma, apparently. Looks particularly odd ih the Summer when the rest of my hands get tanned!!
I have the same and found your post by google. Do you know why yet? Your post was the only thing that came up when I search. I also have CREST except the S and the C hasn't presented itself yet. My swollen fingers are just starting to go down after a year.
I just saw the other comments. My palm on my right hand have a lot of the tangelenges. It looks mottled. Could that be why? Biliary Cirrosis can be seen on a blood test most of the time.