Hi, I have a Rheumatology appointment soon following a bad case of chilblains which I've had for nearly 2 months on my toes and heels, now ending up with brown think skin developing on some toes which the GP thought looked necrotic at the time, and all toes are usually purple/black looking now. I take Nifedipine but it doesn't help.
I've had a lot of blood tests, positive for ANA 1:160 homogenous & cytoplasmic pattern, also high IgM and borderline low C3 with 1.03 (range 0.90-1.80) but negative for Dsdna and ENA. I'm still waiting for results of APS and cryoglobulin.
I developed Raynauds when I was about 40 (now 48) and since then also have hypothyroidism, chronic migraines and POTS (not symptomatic thankfully). I'm very active and was a keen runner until developed knee arthritis recently, but still do swimming etc.
Had first visit to Rheumatology 3 years ago due to bad chilblains on fingers during spring, also lasted for 2 months. Apart form ANA 1:320 all other tests were OK and i was discharged.
I'm concerned that I'll quickly be discharged from Rheumatology again due to most tests being negative. I feel like things have ramped up with the Raynauds and chilblains as very painful, swollen and lasting for months and in general feel very low energy.
Just wondered if anyone in a similar situation and has any thoughts, thanks in advance!