Hi there.
I havent been formerly diagnosed with Scleroderma as all tests have drawn negative results.
I have medication for long term Raynauds,I have lansoprozole for acid and they dont seem how to diagnose my swallowing issues. I have developed little lumps on the joints of my toes (which the rhemumatologist wasnt bothered to see) and my toes swell when they feel like it.
For the past 3 months I have been suffering progressively with bowel issues to which the GP says is constipation. I am also suffering with my self diagnosis of Tenesmus . (Wanting to go to the toilet all the time but not passing stools only gas and water) . I am taking sachets of Movicol to apparently regularise again. My lifestyle hasnt changed nor has my diet yet this has started.
My question is has this happened to anyone else who has been diagnosed? I am not getting anywhere with the GPs and I was meant to have a telephone consult with my rheumatologist as he wants to discharge me. That didnt happen as I didnt answer my call quick enough and he rang off (4 rings seriously?)
Thank you