Good Morning all,
Hope you are all well.
I am currently experiencing Sjögren symptoms, Dry eyes ,nasal passage , mouth and other areas, outside of eyes skin very dry,cracked and sore.
I went to the optician who said my eyes were very dry and advised drops and heat packs, also to go to Dr for diagnosis.
I have been to the GPs who said it possible it sjogrens.
He as run ANA and ENA blood test. ANA positive for Centromere as always, but no ENA positive so my question is does anybody have a sjogrens diagnosis with just a centromere positive antibodies ?
I have looked it up and can see a positive Centromere can indicate Sjogrens but without the more specific markers ,will this be recognised , I definitely have the symptoms and have been having them for about 10 weeks now.
I am using eye drops and Dermatologist gave me cream for the outer area which as helped relieve the cracked skin around eyes.
Any insight would be greatly appreciated.