Diagnosed with LCSS for several years. Raynauds plus digestive issues, reasonably well controlled. Minor skin issues, dryness, freckles, white patches increase over time. Last few days I first noticed a red patch on my cheek, next day sudden burst of hayfever type sneezing which stopped after about an hour. Yesterday woke up to very bright red face and slightly puffed eyes. Take antihistamines daily anyway so moisturised. Can’t identify a cause for contact dermatitis but hoovered pillow and changed pillowslip. Redness stayed all day. This morning redness slightly worse, starting to feel as if it is raised a bit and lumpy and is hot. Not itchy. Went to pharmacist who was unable to say what it was but assumed it was an allergic reaction. Gave Zerobase cream, so far not helped.
Has anyone experienced similar?
Am I overreacting to what is probably just a reaction? Though anything reactive with me usually clears within hours?
Is this another aspect of autoimmune?