Hi all.
I have systemic limited sclerosis with secondary raynauds.
I also show telangiectasia in my face and inner lower lip. I never had any issues with reflux previously, but had the odd occasion with reflux and the feeling that something is stuck within my esophagus, for which I took omeprazole for a while - I have now switched to an adhoc basis but don't seem to have much need.
About 2 weeks ago for the first time I very suddenly had the feeling of extreme nausea and had to leave a yoga class as I thought I would throw up. The same situation occured about 1 week later. I never actually threw up and the feeling subsided after about 40 minutes. The second time this happened I thought I had the taste of blood in my mouth, but didn't see any blood.
During my last rheumatology appointment 2 weeks ago I had enquired about the occasional nosebleed (something I know is also related to side effects of Sildenafil) and also one large spot of telangiectasia on the outside of my lower lip which bled a couple of times. I was told that the nosebleeds might be more likely connected to telangiectasia inside my nose rather than the side effects of sildenafil.
My suspicion is now that also my esophagus might be lined with telangiectasia spots, one of which might have opened and started bleeding. I understand the bodys reaction to swallowing ones own blood would result in nausea. I would of cause ask to get this confirmed by my doc.
Did anyone here experience this and / or have any advice / share their experience?