Hello all
I had thought that I would have some answers to questions that I was going to ask rheumatologist yesterday, but my appointment was cancelled. So ...
A few months ago I had, on the tip of my index finger what I am pretty certain was a digital ulcer. It went through all its stages and left hard skin with a bit of pitting. Now there is another one on the way.
I was diagnosed a few years ago with Undifferentiated Inflammatory ARthritis and have been taking hydroxychloroquine since then. (I'm 53). I had synovial inflammation on a scan and positive (twice) for antibeta2 glycoprotein 1 Igg. My platelets are also low (but not that low) - sometimes also low white.
Since about the age of 17 I first started to get Raynaud's, but only in my nipples and only when pregnant. In my fingers really only kicked off when I was about 40/41 and got progressively worse over the follwoing years. Not sure if it is becasue o the hydroxyc. but severe attacks of it have pretty much stopped although it does still happen and is a lot more painful than it ever used to be also tends to be after shower, hanging wet washing etc. Have learned to always use rubber gloves and have been slathering Vaselinge and lanolin on my fingers for years, even before it started to get bad.
I've discovered, by accident, that my diagnosis has changed to Connective Tissue Disease with lupus. Still haven't had a chance to discuss this with the rheuamtologist.
So - that's my history! Can anyone tell me what these sores on my fingers are? Is it the beginning of something, is it a different symptom of Raynaud's? The new one is in the same place but still a red/purple spot under the skin but just like the first one already quite painful.