Hi I have developed telangiectasias on my face and neck due to my schleroderma.. has anyone had treatment for this and did you have to pay private .. another nasty effect of this weird condition!!
Telangiectasias : Hi I have developed... - Scleroderma & Ray...
I have them also… my face, hands, ..that is how I found out I had scleroderma 15 yrs ago. I have gone to a skin specialist and what they do is zap them with a laser. I’ve done this approximately 4 times however they always come back…and yes you have to pay for it. It’s considered a cosmetic procedure. I use a good foundation but you can typically always see my dots (as I call them)
Thankyou for your reply ... I will look into seeing a dermatologist about laser treatment .. I know to some people it might be a small part of schleroderma but I find it very embarrassing and hate how it looks ! I was a makeup artist in my career but they are still very difficult to conceal well ! Also I'm sure some of the meds I take ie nifedipine and sildenafil make matters worse !
Likely the nifedipine and sildenafil are increasing the vasodilation.
I'm in the U.S. and have been fortunate to have a doctor treat my spots with the laser at no charge. I have them all over my face and hands. I especially hate the ones on my face and only treat those - my nose has so many I feel like I look like an alcoholic and I don't drink! I have the laser treatments about every 6 months - they don't completely disappear and they come back. I found that using a green concealer on the spots, then putting on my foundation helps to hide them and make me look a little better.
Thankyou ! I think here in the UK we have to pay privately but I will speak to rheumatology and see if I can be referred to dermatology.. This disease is just a mine field of so many different symptoms !