Are there any other LSSc people out there also suffering from varicose veins?
At my last check up with Royal Free I pointed out lots of new burst veins/ thread veins in my legs. They said it as early varicose veins, but they would ask my GP to refer me to vascular specialist close to me. RF implied that though it is early stage there are drugs that could very much slow down its progression (I don't think they said what).
The GP referred me but the hospital wrote to me to say, basically, it'll be months possibly a year or more before they get round to me.
So my questions are - anyone else gone through this before me? Are there especial risks from varicose veins because of also having scleroderma? Is therefore speed more important than normal? Should I ask for it to be escalated therefore? (or should I even go private, perish the thought).
And - does anyone know what the drugs might be that RF referred to?
I seem to be heavily into the infected digital ulcer route of LSSc, but apart from that most other things seem to be relatively mild and relatively stable. So am I just overly worrying ?
Thanks people.😀