Hi all,
Looking for some tips on how you deal with health anxiety with this conditions. I was diagnosed with limited scleroderma around 4 years ago and have been relatively lucky with my symptoms. I have minor gi issues and some pretty painful lumps on some of my fingers. I have my yearly checks and I’m not on any medications other than high blood pressure tablets as my rheumatologist said there is no need as my condition is very well managed.
Recently I was having some chest pain and was in hospital. I had Ecgs and a heart scan and was told my heart was normal. Looks like it was anxiety mainly due to the ivf I was undergoing at the time.
I am struggling with the fear of getting pulmonary hypertension, which I have been told is a risk with this disease . I paid to see a heart specialist who told me my heart was perfectly normal and there was only a slight risk of pah with my condition.
I know nobody can predict the future and most of the time I try to keep healthy and don’t stress but lately all I can think is that my next scan will show I have pah and that will be terrifying.
How do people deal with the unknown of this condition? Any tips?
Thank you so much