My consultant has prescriped Hydroxychloroquine Sulphate to treat my Secondary Raynaud's. I would be very grateful if others who have also been prescibed this could give me their 'take' on this medication. Thank you.
Hydroxychloroquine Sulphate - Scleroderma & Ray...
Hydroxychloroquine Sulphate

I was put on it for mixed connective tissue disease for aches,pain, fatigue in etc do have severe Raynaud's as well but was never mentioned that it was for it, certainly found absolutely no improvement been on it last 5 years
Hi, my daughter takes this for Lupus. She said it made her feel sick for the first 6 months but then it settled and it has helped her. I wouldn't have thought it would be prescribed for Reynsauds. I would hsve thojght a blood vessel dilator would be better like Viagra or cialis.
Hi I just been put in this medicine as well but is not for raynauds it is for pain more likely arthritis in the connective tissue. Also I am taking Sildelafil for raynauds. Hope it helps.
I have been taking Hydroxychloroquine for about 12 years for my Secondary Raynaud's (Scleroderma with overlap) and it seems to help with my joint and muscle pain. I don't think it is purely for Primary Raynaud's. I have never had any noticeable side effects from it. Best of luck
Hi,I have secondary Reynauds following Diffuse Systemic Sclerosis with the bones in my hands bending into a fixed position.
I was on Nifedipine to begin with which did help but it was always out of stock so now I take Sidenfil ( Viagra )
Both help the blood flow in your body.
I try to fend off my hands going claw shaped by hand exercises including swimming. The latter has helped tremendously though my hands will never go back to normal.
I hope you find some relief for your hands as these awful diseases run riot.
I've been taking Hydroxy since 2017 when I was diagnosed with lupus. At first it caused me some heartburn so I take it with a glass of goats milk which has sorted the heartburn issue. It's important to have regular eye checks with this drug as it can cause problems with the eyes. It's good to have a baseline check before you start it n then have another one every year or so to check eye health.
Some people find that they can't tolerate some brands of Hydroxy as it can cause gastric issues. Zentiva brand tends to suit most people (but not all). If you pick up your prescription and it's Bristol brand I would suggest swallowing it really quickly coz it tastes foul!!
It can also increase sun sensitivity so make sure you cover up n wear sunscreen..wide brimmed hat if needed n sunglasses.
Good luck 🌈😽😽xx
I was taking nefedepine for my secondary raynauds then hydroxy…helped with my joint pain but not my raynauds but now Iam taking sedefil (viagra) which helps with the blood circulation in hands.Hope it suits you but Iam taking it since I have breathing issues too.