i have been getting split fingertips for about a year now. what can i do to relieve the pain?
split fingertips: i have been getting... - Scleroderma & Ray...
split fingertips
Me too. I would be interested to see some other peoples way of coping with this. I just file and moisturise but it can take weeks sometimes months.
Have you tried to research any info on colloidal silver spray? I used it on a small sore on my finger and it was healed up after a few days. If you search the topics of this forum you will see some old posts about colloidal silver. I am not a doctor, etc. Just sharing what worked for me.
You could try O'Keefes working hands cream. Really good moisturiser and it repairs the cracks too. May not help with pain directly but should reduce the amount of incidents of splits.
As a podiatrist that works a lot with cracks in the skin especially on the heels I would advise the use of a urea based emollient eg o’keffes working hands or even heel balm. Apply it in the evening and cover with something occlusive like a plaster or even better cling film, put on a pair of gloves if possible and wear overnight. During the day keep massaging small amounts into the area for a few days until the cracks heel. Maintain by using the urea cream at least once daily preferably at night as it it quite think and sticky.
I use fludrocortisone tape (on prescription from my GP). I leave it on the split overnight and within a few nights they should heal. It is basically infused with a mild steroid so speeds the healing process. I should mention I have had far less splits since I started taking sildenafil for my raynaud’s so this might be something to consider too - prevention so you din’t have to deal with them much at all. X
Diagnosed with Raynauds last year, realised that I had been suffering with it for over 30 years. I used to work with horses and stupidly just thought it was working in the cold and wet, dealing with rough straw, hay etc. I used to have very bad sores and split fingers, I found Lotil cream brilliant. The pain was so bad at times so at night I would
cream my whole hands then put Lotil on thick on the finger tips and then put soft cotton gloves on to help to absorb the cream over night. In the daytime again put the cream thickly on my fingertips, put soft lint over and then plasters over the tips and finally a rubberised self sticking bandage which I could mould gently around . Time consuming but gave me so much relief from pain and because the fingers were protected they healed much quicker. Later I was put on Amlodipine and Losartan for a heart condition and my finger splits disappeared. I never knew why as I didn’t know at the time it wasRaynauds, I now know why!
My Raynauds returned with a bang last year and although I haven’t had so far a return of split fingers, they sometimes feel like it is going to relapse so I use the Lotil in the same way., I find it really works for me, very soothing. I used to get the self sticking bandage (fine one)
from Superdrug stores. You can buy Lotil online or at some Chemists, likewise you can buy the gloves very often at a local chemist, not expensive. Hope this helps if you try it with your pain. Best wishes.
Hey there - goodness I know what that's like - from 4yrs old! Awful. So sorry you're going through this.
Well I found it was not drying hands properly, and not moisturising with something seriously relevant for this type of skin/issue. I only use Eucerin for washing my body and gentle bars of soap made from er, olive oil etc - but the big thing is the Eucerin 10% Urea (urine.. but doesn't smell!) Intense Lotion. I get it on prescription now and use all the time all day.
Obviously the process of raynauds isn't helping at all.. what medication do you take for it? Is it not working? I swear by Nifedipine MR but Barnclown has had amazing benefits from Sildinafil (viagra) - so check out her posts on lupus uk hub (I think). She had continuous split skin on her toes and frankly it was all looking very unhappy and quite worrying but the sidinafil worked wonders so glad for her.
Have you looked on the SRUK website for tips? I'm sure you'll have enough on here to try for now.
You must keep very hydrated too - I have sjogrens and have been plugging about 5litres of water a day for a long while now.. obviously we must all stay hydrated and the skin needs it so much. I learned limiting sugar etc had a massive effect.. and taking vitamins with a highly nutritious diet ie lots of greenery, wholegrain and oily fish, fruit and veg coming out of my ears... (a great look, you can imagine!).
Hope some of that hopes... but I think you need to see your rheumy for a check up as you could be at risk of infection if your white blood cells and complement level are low, along with all the rest? Do you know?
Hoping things improve! D
Urea based cream to try and stop the splits in the first place but any painful skin breakages I use germolene which is both antiseptic and anaesthetic.