hi anyone had sore tongue like you've had something too hot and burnt your tongue also is the shortage of vit b12 related to sjogrens ?
vitamin b12 deficency in sojgrens - Scleroderma & Ray...
vitamin b12 deficency in sojgrens
I have monthly b12 injections to help with this.
Hello Gran54My sore tongue started a year ago before Covid.... swab test at Drs showed nothing... dentist referred me to Oral Clinic at hospital... then lock down.
For me it was the first indication of Systemic scleroderma as can also affect tongue, bite
chewing and mouth allignment .
A year on ... still there and white spots on tongue, soreness gone... but use children toothpaste as adult too strong and burns and cannot take hot curries anymore and food feels like it has sand on my tongue.
Also, saliva production different with food getting stuck at base of teeth etc.
I put it down to thicken and change of state in my skin and naturally follows through to my tongue and mouth.... feels rather lopsided and chew does not 'line up' if that makes sense.
Eventually have my oral hospital appoint in June after dentist requested last March.
No mention of Sjogrens.
Good luck Bruffingtons2
hi very interesting as I also have systemic sclerosis your symptoms seem very similar to mine I have not had my usual check ups due to covid I might contact my dental hospital to see what they say I usually go there yearly to check on sjogrens which gives me very dry mouth and lips I have gels and chew sugar free gum which helps a bit thank you for your reply anne.
YES!! I have B12 deficiency and Sjogrens, just recently diagnosed. But yes my tongue! I’m not sure it’s exactly what you are describing but it looks as if it’s been “put through a grinder” best way to describe it. It’s swollen and painful. I’ve been wondering if it correlates to either or both of these problems.
Hi Gran 54 I have had a sore tongue for 4 years . It all started with a lump on my gum. I was told this was nothing to worry about by my dentist. I gradually developed a sore burning tongue and was referred to dental hospital by my GP. Then they removed the lump and it had granuloma inflamation , I was then sent to infectious disease as they thought I had TB . Anyway to cut long story short the dental consultant did every blood test under sun and it came back with anticentromere positive. I was then sent to rheumatology and eventually diagnosed with limited scleroderma. I have had heart and lung tests last year and all clear thankfully so far. Funnily enough dental surgeon said I have healthiest tongue he has ever seen so no explanation for sore burning tongue other than burning mouth syndrome. I have had 4 teeth removed because of issues in my mouth and am at my wits end with the nerve pain in my teeth and gums and rheumatology tell me its not scleroderma causing this .My muscles are so weak and I get severe muscle spasms , I also suffer from fybromyalgia . I have had b12 checked and its normal . I do have sore swollen fingers and painful feet also very dry skin. take care Kathy