Just got a letter from the rheumatologist saying that I have a vitamin D deficiency and has requested my GP to gave me tablets to rectify this. Has anyone else had this and what it means?
Vitamin D deficiency : Just got a... - Scleroderma & Ray...
Vitamin D deficiency

In the UK we don't get much sun. We could all need extra vitamin C. It is particularly useful for us.
Yes, all part of the regular treatment.
Yes and I'm constantly told the bone pain is from this but the supplements don't help I was prescribed there's once then told to buy over the counter
Yes. I think vitamin D is routine with this disease. I've been taking it ever since my diagnosis a couple of years ago.
I was told the same thing a couple of months ago . You need to get your blood checked 4-5 weeks after starting it as it can effect your kidneys so do check with gp . I hope you feel better soon
It is something that I've had for 6 years I was taking 20000 milligrams a week so now it's once a monthly the only way it was explained to me was it is as thought I've lived in a dark room best to
Ask your doctor why he will explain
Hi there , I have vitamin d tablet twice a day , it is to help my body absorbe the calcium from my Androlic tablet ( calcium ) which I take once a week. After taking steroids long term I had a bone density test and was found to have osterperosis on top of everything else. I would think if you on steroids it has been given as preventative , apparently I should of had them from the beginning . My condition is Scerledema , secondary raynauds, polymytosis. Hope this helps you .
Ditto. I also have Systemic Scleroderma but just recently been prescribed Vit D … waiting for any improvement.
A lot of people are advised to take a daily Vitamin D supplement these days, especially in the winter. Whether you have a health condition or not. The dose will probably be higher if specially prescribed. My consultant asked if I was taking Vitamin D (which I was with a daily multivitamin) when I was diagnosed with SSc 5 years ago.