I’ve not been able to see a doctor and from sending pictures they say it looks like contact dermatitis?
I’m have attached pictures as I’m just unsure and I know doctors won’t see me if I tell them I’m still not convinced
I’ve not been able to see a doctor and from sending pictures they say it looks like contact dermatitis?
I’m have attached pictures as I’m just unsure and I know doctors won’t see me if I tell them I’m still not convinced
My hands are like this a lot, don’t think that mine is dermatitis though, I assumed that it was just the raynauds.
This could be due to overuse of hand sanitizer, or using a different hand cream, one with an odd ingredient you are allergic to.
This is contact dermatitis
This is contact dermatitis
And here's another image of contact dermatitis. The hand is my own hand. When it flares up like in my photos my hands become extremely painful, swollen, intensely itchy to the point of screaming and on the ebb of insanity. I can't straighten my fingers without deep wounds opening up and fingers/hand weeping clear fluid and bleeding. My fingers develop like a second thick crusty skin that feels leaving red raw weeping bleeding skin underneath and the wounds get infected. Fingers also sting, tips go numb, get a constant pins and needles sensation in whole hand and fingers, l also lose my fingerprints. It is extremely painful and leaves me severely incapacitated unable to do normal daily things such as hold pen to write, hold anything in affected hand/fingers heavier than a pen, so washing dishes a big no unless l want smashed dishes and the water and liquid make it worse, can't open tins, jar lids, packets, eat normally as can't hold utensils and it is my dominant hand/fingers effected the most. Can't cycle, mow grass, do up buttons, turn any knobs. It's horrendous and it makes me lose sleep too and flares up my asthma.