What can be done to stop calcium lines I’m getting on my face nearly every day
I really need help asap as I’m waiting to get confirmation I have scleroderma
What can be done to stop calcium lines I’m getting on my face nearly every day
I really need help asap as I’m waiting to get confirmation I have scleroderma
Hi, sorry to hear this is upsetting you. what do you mean by calcium lines? do you mean calcinosis? It's unusual to get calcinosis on the face. What other symptoms do you have that lead to a suspicion of scleroderma? Do you know which type of scleroderma you have? Can you describe it please. Thanks
I am waiting to see a rheumatologist in August to confirm my condition as Covid 19 has put NHS and Private consultants Way back for appointments
I am getting disfiguring lines On my face and hands skin with white liquid underneath and new ones seem to appear on different spots every day
My eyes have this above and below the eye lids but GP for sent knoW
Can anyone help
Not sure what you mean by calcium lines? Do you mean calcinosis?
Yes it’s Calcinosis and is disfiguring my face with the lines