Dental work....Yes or No: Hi everyone... - Scleroderma & Ray...

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Dental work....Yes or No

catkar profile image
30 Replies

Hi everyone,

Not sure if anyone can advise me on this.... I am investigating the possibility of having Dental Implants (4) however i don't know if that is compatible with crest and will it cause problems with sending my immune system into overdrive ? I am not taking any immunosuppressants .. If anyone has any advise i would very much appreciate your help... thank you ...

Cat x

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catkar profile image
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30 Replies

Hello Cat. I’m only speaking from my experience and as you know with Scleroderma we’re all different!

Last year all my teeth had to be extracted due to scleroderma loosening the bone around them and allowing infection in. This took several years to reach the extraction stage with many abscesses etc eventually leading to bone infection which was dangerous. Anyway I have been told implants are a definite no no because they would encourage infection again because of the immune response.

Due to the lockdown I’m still awaiting a set of dentures that fit but at least my gums have now healed and no more infections.

Maybe best to seek professional advice especially from your rheumatologist.

Stay safe and well.

Debi x

Sanmateogirl107 profile image
Sanmateogirl107 in reply to

do not do dental implants go one line you can read about dental imlnts making people sick. toxic titanium click go. hope that helps julie

catkar profile image
catkar in reply to Sanmateogirl107

Sounds for thought...Thank you x

jackieswiss profile image
jackieswiss in reply to

Hi, I was also advised not to have dental implants by my Rheumatologist and Endodontist. I have Scleraderma,Lupus and other conditions. I would love to have implants, but I've decided it's not worth the risk for vanity.

catkar profile image
catkar in reply to jackieswiss

Hi Jackie , its not just for vanity, though that would be a bonus..... I can't bite down with my teeth they are really wobbly and i have been advised not to have dentures as i have sjorgens so my mouth is also so dry that to have a plate would be impossible ... Take care .. x

LucyJean profile image

Hi Cat, that is definitely a question you need to ask your Consultant and your dentist. It is such an individual problem that you just can't compare your circumstances with anyone else. If you are generally well and not on any immunosuppression then the risks for you compared to someone else would be more limited. A lot of it depends on the state of the bone in your jaw, and whether that is strong and healthy so they can screw the implants into it. Also whether you have a history of oral abscesses or infections, what your gum health is like and whether you have telangi in your mouth.

I wonder whether one of the specialist centres would have any advice. The oral surgery department at the Royal Free for example, must have experience. One to consider long and hard and make sure you source some reliable information before hand. You would definitely want a dentist who had a lot of experience and was well versed with your health situation to do it.

I have had friends with no health issues who have had implants and no one has said it was a nice experience and took quite a while to get over.

All my best


catkar profile image
catkar in reply to LucyJean

Hi Lucyjean,

Brilliant idea regarding Oral surgery dept , i will be contacted them ASAP .. Thank you x

Hi Cat, I actually just watched this video 2 weeks ago. There is a section on implants so you might find it helpful Its long but well worth the watch.

catkar profile image
catkar in reply to

Hi Ziza,

It wouldnt allow me to play the video .... Whats it called on u tube ? Thank you for taking the time to reply x

in reply to catkar

Scleroderma & Oral Health - Scleroderma Foundation Michigan Chapter 2020 Webinar Recording. Hope that helps. good luck

catkar profile image
catkar in reply to

Thank you x

kimmo profile image

I have lost many of my teeth due to problems from scleroderma but not much infection, just very loose. I have a private dentist who advised very strongly against dentures as I also suffer from Sjogrens. Apparently lack of saliva would prevent me from having them. We have discussed briefly what options are available to me, and they are very limited. One of them was implants. I would be very interested to hear how you get on and what information you obtain. Perhaps you could update us as to your progress? Take care x

catkar profile image
catkar in reply to kimmo

Hi Kimmo,

I'll let you know how i get on... Take care x

kimmo profile image
kimmo in reply to catkar

Thank you and hope everything goes well for you 😘 x

creditcrunchie profile image

I sold my house about 10 years ago and used the profit on inplants and have never regretted it ( the only regret I have is I wish I had spent more money and had implants instead of bottom dentures.) I did however have two implants at the bottom which secures my bottom denture securely with no movement. I did find the procedure difficult and took longer than average to heal because of my auto immunity being impaired. It is important that you always follow up with a dental hygienist familiar with inplants as hygiene is essential. I met a lady at my dental practice who had not been advised about follow on hygiene and 10 years later she really had gum problems. Also met a guy who had the inplants done abroad and was trying to undo problems that had occurred. It’s about 6 month job and I did have a few ups and downs but for me well worth it. Also the practice I used was top notch and they would never have proceeded if they hadn’t though I was 100% safe as many of their dentists worked at the teaching hospital so please bear in mind to check it all out.

catkar profile image
catkar in reply to creditcrunchie

Thank you so much for your reply that is really helpful and given me a bit more hope and confidence.... I have made initial enquiries and had an initial appointment at TDC implant centre in Harley street, Can i ask where you went ? if thats to obtrusive please don't feel you have to reply i don't want to offend you ..

Thanks Cat x

creditcrunchie profile image
creditcrunchie in reply to catkar

Hi Catkar / not a problem.......I live in Nottingham and went to a private dental practice in West Bridgeford. If that's geographically any help I can give you the practice's name.

catkar profile image
catkar in reply to creditcrunchie

Sadly no , i live in Hertfordshire... x

creditcrunchie profile image
creditcrunchie in reply to catkar

Keep us updated x

catkar profile image
catkar in reply to creditcrunchie

Will do x

HerefordBear profile image
HerefordBear in reply to catkar

Hi, I had a very positive experience with Dr Zanabone at Mount Vernon Dental Practice. It is based in the grounds of Mount Vernon Hospital although independent. It was a long and expensive process but at no time did I experience any pain. He was recommended by my local dentist in Rickmansworth, Hertfordshre. Dr Zanabone teaches at one of the London hospitals, I forget which one, and took photos of the work he did for me for future reference.

catkar profile image
catkar in reply to HerefordBear

Thank you for that info...I'll do a little research ... Glad your treatment went well...

Love Cat xx

beesmum profile image

Hello Cat

Just seen you question, I don't log on very often.

I'm borderline Limited Scleroderma, diagnosed approx 4 yrs ago.

I had four dental implants approx 4 yrs ago before I knew I'd scleroderma. I can honestly say they are marvelous, I've two each side in my lower jaw, if I had the money I'd have my entire mouth done! Never had any problems with them. I use a restorative dentist in Bath.

I've got a titanium denture in my top jaw, four teeth extracted, nothing to do with scleroderma, I had jaw probs about 25yrs ago because my "bite" was out, occlusion was a severe problem that a restorative dentist sorted over a 9mnth period.

The denture sometimes gives me problems resulting in spasmodic renal area back pain, I've actually been in A&E twice, in an ambulance twice, CT scans, morphine, because the spasms were thought to be kidney stones, infact it's the denture & my teeth that are the issue, not a common problem, very rare.

I would honestly go to a restorative dentist for guidance and implants, NOT a general dentist. It is a fairly major procedure over three months as the posts go in first then the teeth three months later once the posts have taken & are successful.

Mine cost me just over £14k for the four implants, which hold 5 teeth, two on one side, three on the other. If you can afford it and you heal well, I can highly recommend.

Good luck.

catkar profile image
catkar in reply to beesmum


Thank you so much for your reply , im glad that yours were successful , I have actually been for a consultation at a implant specialist centre in Harley street ... TDC Implant .... I have Crest syndrome and Sjorgens and its the dry mouth and lack of saliva that i worry about as well as the compromised Immune system... I will be asking my rheumy and taking her advise...It would be great if there was someone whom could reccommend a specialist near mr (hertfordshire ) ... I really appreciate you reply ... Stay safe

Cat x

creditcrunchie profile image
creditcrunchie in reply to catkar

Hi again / I agree that a local practise would be better / my referral was via my regular dental practice. Obviously each person has different treatment and reacts differently but I do remember the 6 week period following the day of the implants as being really hard going. I was in the chair for a few hours and was so so glad my daughter was there to drive me home and I wondered if this would be as easy if you were travelling to London for treatment. I guess I was a bit tricky as they did surgery on the roof of my mouth to move something so I was heavily stitched and sedated.

However my daughter has had one implant and it was simple and straight forward ( although the fuss she made you would have thought it major surgery /bless her!

I do remember funny trying to escape the surgery as quick as possible after work done but needed one more x ray and the nurse who was doing the X-ray suddenly screamed with pain as her back went and I found myself having to comfort her with my stitched up frozen mouth. Then the day my temporary teeth fell out at work ......and I was mortified! But it was all worth while in the end so keep smiling and do some local research.

catkar profile image
catkar in reply to creditcrunchie

Your reply made me laugh... They don't make the younger generation as tough as the oldies ! Not saying you're old !! lol My best friend had a full set of top implants (5 posts and a full top set attached ) so i did witness the aftermath... I actually took her and picked her up on surgery day.. and before you ask I don't want to use her practice for reasons i shall not disclose .... I will do more research .... Thanks for your kindness in replying ..

Cat x

beesmum profile image
beesmum in reply to catkar

Morning Cat, you are very welcome.

Just to say, I also have a dry mouth, it was much much worse approx 20yrs ago, I saw a restorative dentist then too, in Cirencester, now retired, how dare he retire! He sorted my occlusion issues by rebuilding most of my teeth, and my saliva improved, tho it is still much drier than most folk with "normal" saliva flow. The dryness does not effect my implants, it effects my denture if anything. I'm constantly sipping water.

Are there no restorative dentists nearer to you than Harley Street? I don't wish to knock your choice of specialist, tho I do think Harley Street is very overrated.

Good luck, try more than one restorative dentist if you can for their opinion, expertise, and word of mouth is the best referral if you can speak with any of their patients.

My current one is Paul Wilson, Bath Dental Clinic. He also teaches & sees patients in Oxford at the Churchill Hospital. I can give you his details if you want to email him? He's a lovely chap, I'm sure he may be able to recommend someone close to you, and he'd be delighted to help.

All the best. Oh & my rheumatologist has no worries re implants. Implants are truly amazing. You could also ask the opinion of Professor Denton (is it?) at the Royal Free? I've seen a few professors, I get their names mixed up.

Telling you how to suck eggs, sorry!

Good luck Cat.


catkar profile image
catkar in reply to beesmum

Hi B

I have heard of Professor Denton and yes he is at the Royal Free..... I agree that Harley street is used as a enticement but i did get a couple of testimonials from patients of the practice and spoke to the 3 people (all ladies incidentally) and they were very honest and helpful ... One of them also had Sjorgens but wasn't diagnosed till after her implants, though that wasn,t the cause of the condition .... I would love to have a recommendation so would appreciate a contact in the industry who could point me in the right direction so if your guy could help i would be grateful...

I love Bath , if that's where your from i lived in Keynsham for a couple of years a long time ago but spent many lovely Saturday mooching around Bath .

Cat x

beesmum profile image
beesmum in reply to catkar

Hi Cat.

I live in Devizes, Wiltshire, Bath isn't far away.

Look at:

Click on Contact for the clinic's address, email etc.

Click on Team & you will see Paul Wilson & his background etc. I can highly recommend, he's a lovely chap.

I emailed Paul recently on email, he responded very quickly.

Good luck. Let me know how you get on in your search.

Best wishes.


catkar profile image

Will do thanx

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