My hands, nose and feet are always cold.I have my first rheumatology appointment next week for suspected sjogren's and psoriatic arthritis.
Does this look like raynauds? - Scleroderma & Ray...
Does this look like raynauds?

With raynauds you would have more pronounced white fingers with a red hand, but this could certainly be the start to it, or have it very mildly.
Hi Kels, yes it does look like Raynaud's. You might want to try taking some gingko biloba twice a day and applying frankincense oil to your hands. Niacin pills also help. Try to keep warm. You are a proactive person.
These could be my fingers - the prune-like appearance of your fingertips is just like mine - looks like you might also have some sub-cutaneous tissue/fat pad loss? I have the same on both hands and my feet. I have Sjogren's and cutaneous lupus but have not been diagnosed with Raynaud's. I do not get the typical Raynaud's color changes in response to cold - they just prune up and look like yours.
That is interesting.ive never heard of subc cutaneous tissue/fat pad loss, I will read up on IT.Both my hands go pruney also.I have had plantar fasciitis over 5 years in both feet on and off also.
Yes probably starting my hands go white . They also look like my hands