Does any one have problems not being able to focus their eyes I cannot get my eyes tested because last time my eyes were not working properly and they made my new glasses lenses wrong thanks
Eyes not able to focus : Does any one... - Scleroderma & Ray...
Eyes not able to focus
yes, i have had this for a while, and assumed it was just getting old!
Do you take hydroxychloroquine? I take it and was told that it would eventually affect my eyes and make them "blurry". I was also told if you take this drug you must inform your optician. I was given a note to show to my optician. Also, because I take this drug, I get an annual thorough eye check at the eye department at the hospital. Hydroxychloroquine is a drug often prescribed for people with autoimmune disorders such systemic sclerosis and scleroderma, CREST, whatever you want to call it. Some people are prescribed a different immune suppressant drug but I don't know if the other ones affect the eyes.
Because of the "blurriness" I had given up reading as it became quite tiresome and I couldn't read for very long. Now that the optician knows my problem I have two pairs of glasses (an expensive exercise) I have my usual varifocals for use all the time and a special pair of reading glass which really enlarge the print and make it more pleasurable to read. I can't see a damn thing when I look up from reading and it's a bit of a nuisance to keep swapping glasses but at least I can read again.
Yes, but the blurred vision is not frequent or constant and I’ve worn prescription glasses most of my life. I’ve had the same thing on exam happen twice within the past three years of being diagnosed with scleroderma, glasses RX too strong. However, LensCrafters has saved me. They offered a 30 day exchange policy which allowed me to correct the eye test and exchange out the too strong lens for the updated RX. I always purchase the year long insurance on the eyewear purchase so, I don’t know if it was covered under that plan for we to swap out the lens or just a 30 day policy that they have. It saved me as I usually have to re-exam and purchase new glasses annually, even before the scleroderma diagnosis.
Hi, I have the same problem with my eyes. I am on Plaquenil, which can cause issues, but excessively dry eyes can also cause blurriness, and this is common with autoimmune disorders. Maybe try some artificial tears and see if that helps at all?
Best of luck
go to a different opthalmic optician and then you will be given the correct prescription that you can take to any optician if they are too expensive for specs. I have problems with giant floaters and blurred vision and find it so annoying when trying to focus on something so...sympathies and empathise too!