What causes the pins and needles and very hot flushes through your body , this causes me to stay in my bed . It feels like you can feel the blood actually running through your body ?
Pins and Needles : What causes the pins... - Scleroderma & Ray...
Pins and Needles

Hi, can I ask what medication you are on, that may have something to do with it, I tend to experience similar symptoms after I have taken Sildenfil with my breakfast, and then again but not quite as noticeable after I have taken Amlodipine with my lunch. xxx
I get this through my left foot and left hand. I'm waiting for tests as well. I'll keep an eye on anything people come back with that might be helpful but I feel it's just part of it. I'm expecting a form of scleroderma diagnosis when my tests come through as I have many other symptoms that are indicative.
I get the same way and I feel like bugs crawling on my skin onion works to relieve the stuff I think lupus is a worm and no Dr can find it cause it's transparent. I've seen it for my self.