I've had Reynaud's as long as I can remember, since a young girl.
Last year I started getting incredible burning, itching, pain with red swelling in my feet whenever they were exposed to warmth. I'd never really liked wearing shoes, but it got downright painful. No blankets over my feet. No socks (have found with the below freezing temps we've got at the moment, thin cotton only socks work for a few hours in the morning, as the day wears on), it's thin strapped thongs/flip flops only. Doctors have diagnosed me with Erythromelalgia.
But I still have the Reynaud's, and often the rebound flare from a Reynaud's 'period' is more severe than any other flare. I have gotten chilblains this year, as well (never had them before this year). I have been prescribed Felodipine, which does help with the Reynaud's a bit, and has stopped more chilblains developing, but has made the flares with the EM worse often.
I was prompted to ask from the 'nailcare' article, as I have the ridges often in my nails, not deep but definitely there.
But - does anyone have any ideas on how to cope better? Or help care for my nails/skin better?
Thank you in advance!