Hi, I am fairly new to this site. I have Raynauds but have never been officially diagnosed by a Gp, I try to manage the condition myself. What I was wondering is if it can affect the feet as I have very cold feet that feel numb when it is cold, I just wear thick socks but did wonder if it was Raynauds. Another thing, I have just changed doctors as we have moved house, should I have Raynauds confirmed with my Gp. I did mention to the nurse at the practice but she didn't comment
Raynauds and feet: Hi, I am fairly new... - Scleroderma & Ray...
Raynauds and feet

Hello, yes Raynauds can also be in the feet, mine are like 2 blocks of ice. I have electrically heated slippers and use electrically heated insoles in the winter. Always wear thermal leggings under my trousers, if your legs are cold, your feet will be cold, and woolly socks. You probably need a blood test to see if your Raynauds is primary or secondary. Good luck.
My feet are affected to I would mention it to your new gp and see what they say ,they can run some bloods,put your mind at rest
Yes, it's more than likely Raynauds, keep them warm, they're probably very tender on the top of the feet, mine are! You do need blood tests now and a referral to a rheumatologist, the sooner the better. Good luck with everything, hope it's just primary.
Thanks Marie. I will definately go to see the gp, I thought I just had to put up with it. Didn't realise it could be a secondary
I also have Raynaud's & feet like ice I'm on meds which really help my hands & feet only rarely have the bad attacks. Y
You can discuss with gp when you see them.
Hello Wednesday,
It's important to keep your ankles warm, to prevent heat loss at a pinch point where the blood vessels are close to the outside world. I have cut unwanted socks and use the leg part as leg warmers which go discretely over my socks, which are cotton-mix sports ones bought cheap from a Factory Shop; I find that thicker ones promote sweat too much and so are prone to chilling. I wear sandals at home, even in winter, and solid walking boots fitted with NHS-prescribed orthotics for going out. Scleroderma has destroyed the fatty padding on my soles, so orthotics are vital - not elegant, but essential. I wear thin cotton socks in bed and have an extra blanket over my feet; I wear thicker socks in winter if needed. I try not to let the house temperature drop below 19 deg. c.. Hope this information is useful to you. Some people have worse Raynaud's than I do so my approach may not suit them. However, I'd advise you to be fearless about trying new approaches; be creative; find what's right for you.
Yes its important to keep the house warm, my hubby is always warm and I have told him I can't afford to get cold otherwise I have an attack. I had an op on my hand yesterday in day surgery and she commented on how cold my feet were, she thinks I may have a circulation problem as my ankle has been swollen.
I have Secondary Raynauds, and it's gradually getting worse. Last winter was bad and it's not much better in summer ( though, at the moment, my nose is OK). When it's at it's worst I get chilled to the core. It's important to keep your core warm as well as the hands and feet. Buy your thermals now while they are cheaper! I have an extensive wardrobe of them.
Yes, Raynaud's has an effect on feet, too. It can cause your nose and ears to be very cold. I wear thermals under my clothing in winter time and it helps a lot, pocket handwarmers in cold weather and in AC. I take Niacin, 500 milligrams, Twin Labs brand, three times daily, available at the Vitamin Shoppe! It will cause a feeling of warmth, so you will know it is wirking. I hope this is helpful to you. Take care of yourself.

thank you for your reply. I wear thermals and my hubby bought me a hand warmer. I have some tog rated socks too but they are so thick they are only suitable with boots. I will give the Niacin a go too. Thanks again
Try a supplement called Gingko Biloba, I buy if from Bodycare at £2.99, adter taking for a few weeks the attacks almost go away for me. Hope it works for you, good luck.
thanks for that i'll give them a go. you'll try anything if it gives you some relief
What is the dose of Gingko? I cannot find Bodycare advertised anywhere.
Hi, are you in the UK? Bodycare is the name of a chain that sells cut price toiletries, medicines etc. The Gingko Biloba is their own brand and is high strength, you take just one capsule per day. Hope this helps.