Does anyone have any solution or suffer to ease the itching & soreness - it's driving me bonkers !
Does anyone suffer with chilblains ? ... - Scleroderma & Ray...
Does anyone suffer with chilblains ? My hands are driving me mad with this ....

I first suffered chilblains at the age of 17 during the height of summer. It was pretty ba and I couldn't walk, needed crutches and anti inflammatory and pain killers from the hospital.
The I lu way I could deal with the itching was to soak a flannel in some tepid water and then place it on my feet. Even then it didn't stop completely. Another alternative, if you can bare it is to try some cooling foot creams. Any foot cream with peppermint is great as it will help cool and moisturise.
You could probably use all this on your hands as long as you don't have any broken skin etc. I think the only at to actually stop it would be to prevent it from happening, so wear two pairs of gloves and all that.
I hope that have you some sort of idea anyway. Best of luck AliW!!
Have you seen the doctor? or are you self medicating?
Hello, In truth I think the only way to get rid of the itching is to get them to heal, in other words keep your feet warm. I know much easier said than done, but I am at the moment wearing sheepskin boots with electrically heated insoles in the house, its the only way I can keep my feet warm at his time of the year. I have started using the paw paw cream that someone on this site recommended on my hands, seems to be helping the very dry cuticle problem.
Sorry I have just realised that it is your hands and not your feet which are chilblained, although probably the same still applies, try not to let them get so cold!!!!!! impossible at this time of year I know.
Hi my lad suffers with chilblains on his toes , he had them quite bad this last week due to the cold weather , i took him to the doctors and the doctor gave him some cream called balmosa which you can also by over the counter .
Hi Kerry - thanks for your reply - I know of the Balmosa cream I have tried that but sadly I need something a bit stronger - I do hope that the balmosa is helping your son.Bless him - it's miserable ...I understand. AliW
Hey AliW!
I use Zim's spray,( with arnica; also have Rx for nitro ointment for bad swelling and ulcers. If ur in UK or Australia, u may want to try paw paw ointment...I've read that it does wonders. Warm wishes to you