I have a bruise on the bottom of my shin that's been there for over 10 months, it's also slightly indented. Just wondering if anyone else has this problem, I've been for blood tests and nothing shows up, so the doctor doesn't seem to worried.
Bruising. I bruise very easily, is th... - Scleroderma & Ray...
Bruising. I bruise very easily, is this linked with raynauds?

Not sure! I have always bruised very easily myself to the point of concern but like you, they don't say much...
It's annoying. This bruise is huge and just won't go can't find help anywhere
Is the 'bruise' on your leg yellowish in colour ? I had reddish patches on my arms which later turned into hard plaques but I also had what I thought were old hard yellow bruises on my shins and these became smooth and shiny and turned into very hard plaques which is when I discovered (online) that I had Morphea and began my journey into scleroderma. So you may want to check this out.
According to some experts, we should avoid bumping our skin as bruises can remain for a long time after the cut has healed. i had a massive bruise on my knee from kneeling down once! another factor of rays that i have gotten used to... hope this helps
I have lupus, scleroderma, raynaud's and several other autoimmune diseases. I know that prednisone can cause you to bruise, as can liver and kidney disease. I have several bruises on my body that have been there forever (since I've been taking prednisone). I have some that are painful to the touch. Different people get them for different reasons. Your best course of action is to see a dermatologist or rheumatologist. Hopefully, you can get a definitive answer from them.