I would be grateful if you could sign petition. The cold weather not only affect people with Raynaud's and Scleroderma but has an impact on so many others. I firmly believe the winter fuel allowance should be extended beyond pensioners. Please follow the link to sign.
Please sign petition. Winter fuel all... - Scleroderma & Ray...
Please sign petition. Winter fuel allowance for people affected by the cold. Thank you.

I would be happy to sign, but I don't lve in UK.
The picture is really powerful. Well done. I have signed and will ask friends and relatives to sign too. Allthough I already get the fuel allowance as a pensioner, I feel that all people with chronic conditions like Raynaud's should be supported.
Thanks so much for getting this petition up. Here's hoping.
Well done, have signed and keeping fingers crossed - well, if I could!
Signed and shared on facebook, i really hope this happens, would make a big difference to me and many other people.
I live in Western Australia and our Winter is mild but I find keeping warm difficult indeed. I could not manage a COLD long Winter!! I did sign anyhow!
Signed and shared
I agree with you but I am a pensioner and receive winter fuel allowance.
I think you could still sign it even if it is just in support of those who do not receive the winter fuel allowance.
signed and shared on my facebook page, hopefully some of my friends will sign this too
Thanks to all who have signed petition. At present it seems no allowance is safe and now also being swallowed up by recent rises in fuel costs. I have heard so much lately about people being frightened and hesitant to put their heating on. My petition is not based on party politics but on a firm belief that we have a duty to care for each other the best way we can. Please sign petition. Thanks.
signed the petition, iv not received a winter fuel allowance at all and suffer Raynauds but signed as i think it should be available always