im not sure, but does anyone get really bad shaky hands? i get it when im cold, nervous etc, but i seem to be getting it all of the time now.....not sure??!!
shaking hands.................. - Scleroderma & Ray...
shaking hands..................
Hiya - yeah I will get them if I am stressed or anxious. and I do not drink alcohol so no connection there.
Presumably it is the body going into muscle spasm. not nice though hey ? If I feel it coming on, I tell myself 'all is well in my world and only good things come my way'..... as well as taking a few deep breaths !
Do you practice mindful awareness or do you meditate ? how do you calm your mind down ? / relax ?
I have found David Gi to be really helpful in calming my mind down ! I listen to his show on, he has a lovely, soothing voice. as well as I use his breathing techniques.
Check him out - I would love to know if he hits the spot for you also ! x
Hi, yes for me it's worse when stressed or over cold. Have been known to accidentally pour boiling water over my hand - as I was shaking so much. So now I do without a cuppa until I know I can be safe.
Yes i've spilt hot chocolate before when my hands were shaking, i use it to warm my hands though so its a pain....
Also suffer from the shaking hands, gave up drinking when was diagnosed so i know its not lack of alcohol, its a real pain especially if u wanna a cuppa and no company with u xxxxx