Hi, I have raynauds and scleroderma and in last few weeks I have developed a spotty rash around my eyes. It's not irritating me or spreading. I have tried applying antiseptic creams, but nothing has helped. I was wondering if anyone else has had this problem and if it could be related to my condition ?
Hi, I have crest and in the last few ... - Scleroderma & Ray...
Hi, I have crest and in the last few weeks I have developed a spotty rash around my eyes. It's not irritating me or spreading.

Could be rosacea? If you have a dermatologist, see him/her
they are called telangectasias,irritated blood vessels. 11 years with CREST my face is covered from my hair line to my neck. there is laser removal but they scab up and usually come back.needless to say i use alot of make-up.good luck!
I have the samething. rash like on neck an along the jaw. But do have red spots on fingertips along the hairline on the nose an don't forget inside the mouth an lips..Nothing we can do..Spotted some on feet/toes now..
So now I wear gloves due to the coldness hate the pain an fingers always swollen..I just deal with it let doctor's know if the pain gets worse..
Yes, wartsandall, forgot about telangectasias. I have them on my hands. Sorry - brain wasn't functioning when I read your post.
Hands and feet really cold at the moment - nothing seems to warm them up.
Hi, thank you all for your kind info, I do have telangectasia on my face, hands and in my mouth, but the spots I have around my eyes are raised. I consulted my GP on friday, He seems to think it may be a reaction to something, but is reassured because I have an appointment at the end of the month with my rheumatologist My GP has suggested that I let them have a look at it. Happy days ?